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IPFS News Link • Corbett Report

The #SyriaStrikes: An Open Source Investigation


This being the age of the internet, you can watch the missiles being launched (at a cost of $1.41 million a pop) in a series of YouTube videos kindly supplied by the Pentagon.

For his part, the teleprompter-in-chief handled his ceremonial role perfectly, intoning all the usual poliltical blather that we have come to expect from the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump puppets. To wit: "Tonight, I ordered a targeted military strike blah de blah de blah vital national security interest of the United States da dee doo dee dum no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons etc., etc., I call on all civilized nations to join us yadda yadda." You get the gist. (But if you really must, you can watch the whole statement here.)

And, as a man is known by the company he keeps, look at the warmongers, neocons, terrorists and other loons who are lining up to sing Trump's praises over this glorious action:

John McCain is bloviating about the "important message" these strikes send to Assad and Russia.