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IPFS News Link • Russia

Iran And Russia Discuss Transacting In Crypto To Avoid International Sanctions

•, Molly Jane Zuckerman

Mohammad Reza Pourebrahimi, the head of the Iranian Parliamentary Commission for Economic Affairs, referred to cryptocurrencies as a promising way for both countries to avoid US dollar transactions, as well as a possible replacement of the SWIFT interbank payment system.

At a meeting with Dmitry Mezentsev, the Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Pourebrahimi said that they have "engaged the Central Bank of Iran to start developing proposals for the use of cryptocurrency."

Pourebrahimi added that he discussed this topic in the State Duma's Committee on Economic Policy the day before and that Iran had established cooperation with Russia on this issue:

"They [Russia] share our opinion. We said that if we manage to move this work forward, then we will be the first countries that use cryptocurrency in the exchange of goods."