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IPFS News Link • Government

James Comey Was Paid $36 Million in 2009!...

•, by Fox News

Seamus Bruner, the author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, exposed how James Comey used his position with the FBI to get a job as general counsel with Lockheed Martin, America's largest military contractor, and then collected $6.1 million in a single year in 2009.  He also was given at least 160,000 shares of stocks plus stock options, which are worth $30-million. When Mueller was working for private companies, and Comey was in government, contracts flowed in the direction of Mueller's employers, and the reverse was true when Meuller was in government and Comey was in the private sector. Bruner says they worked together as a tag team to enrich themselves with Taxpayer dollars. -GEG