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IPFS News Link • Education: Government Schools

School Vouchers versus Educational Liberty

•, by Jacob G. Hornberger

It would be difficult to find a better model for socialism than public schooling. We call it "public schooling" but the more accurate name would be government schooling. This is a government program from top to bottom. The schoolteachers and administrators are government employees. The government provides the textbooks and establishes the curriculum. The government enacts compulsory school-attendance laws, which are enforced on parents through threats of incarceration and fine. To fund its operations, the government forcibly takes money from people through taxation. 

The system is run in a top-down, command and control manner, much like the army. In fact, public schooling can easily be described as army-lite. Students are taught to memorize and regurgitate. Information is pounded into them. Education is measured by tests. Students are indoctrinated with the importance of deferring to authority, obeying orders, and complying with regulations, just like in the army.

Every child is born with a natural love of learning and an awe of the universe. You can see that on the looks of children from 0-6 years of age. Their eyes are wide open, absorbing everything they see. When they learn to talk, their favorite word soon becomes "Why?" which they use to bedevil their parents. 
