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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Flashback: ALEC Behind Push For Mandatory Vaccinations


It is also key to note that ALEC is a 'conservative' Republican-based organization, which demonstrates the political transcendency of Technocrat initiatives. ? TN Editor

Over the last several months, Americans have witnessed an increase in media propaganda regarding the "dangers" of "anti-vaxxers," the "proven science of vaccines," and the "tragedies" that ensue from the failure to vaccinate. That propaganda blitz has resulted in massive hysteria stemming from similar levels of ignorance.

Also resulting from the push by Big Pharma-funded corporate media outlets is the emotional and panicked campaign of pro-vaxxers, vaccine pushers, and adherents to the relatively recent new religion of "scientism" – the religious belief in anything labeled as science or scientific, regardless of whether or not that concept directly contradicts observable reality and experience or even regardless of whether or not it is actually scientific.
