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IPFS News Link • Censorship

The Financial Times Demanded Twitter Remove RFK, Jr, Ty and Charlene Bollinger...

•, By Joe Hoft

The Democrats are livid that Elon Musk allowed journalists to come into Twitter after he purchased the company and release damning information that the government, corrupt politicians (like Adam Schiff), corrupt NGOs, Big Media and Big Tech colluded to censor, shadow-ban, and purge conservative content.

On Thursday, before the House Judiciary subcommittee, the Democrats expressed their disgust with Elon Musk and two journalists who are uncovering the actions at Twitter that prevented average Americans from partaking in free speech.

The Democrats were raging at Elon Musk for revealing that the Democrats and their corrupt allies committed multiple crimes to censor the free speech in America.

One tweet that was released by Taibbi before his House interview related to a Big Media outlet demanding Twitter remove some COVID-19 vax offenders.

The Financial Times demanded that Twitter remove Bobby Kennedy, Jr., Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and more.  The reason for the request was that they were not parroting that  the narrative that the COVID-19 vax was necessary or even safe.