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IPFS News Link • Censorship

Dr. McCullough: Here is What the Censors Don't Want You to Know


Fast-forward to today: the retraction rate of published medical papers is EXPLODING. Moreover, no topic is more retracted than – you guessed it – COVID19. Per Dr. Peter McCullough, the most published cardiologist in United States history:

The majority of pandemic papers retracted unfortunately are following a different pattern of valid publication, heavy citation as important contributions, and then pressure exacted on editors/publishers from likely the biopharmaceutical complex (global/federal agencies, NGOs, pharmaceutical companies, conflicted university researchers). Papers are then retracted for "administrative" reasons outside of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guideline for journal retractions.

Dr. McCullough himself has experienced this machine in action when he and Dr. Rose published A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products. This paper presented thorough research on the increased risk of myocarditis created by the COVID shots:

I have experienced as a co-author of a fully published paper on vaccine safety that was retracted for "administrative" reasons by Current Problems in Cardiology. The journal asked Dr. Rose and myself to electively withdraw the paper and we refused. The publisher Elsevier stated to the public authors or editors requested the retraction—it was the editor, not the authors.