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Why Ghonim's passion reignited revolt


Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Few things to date have energized popular Egyptian protests against President Hosni Mubarak as much as the emotional interview given by Wael Ghonim, a 30-year-old Egyptian internet activist, almost immediately after his release from 12 days of detention by the feared state security police.

It is fair to talk now about a second stage in the protests against Mubarak's government as thousands of ordinary Egyptians cast aside their doubts and joined to make the street protests the next day the biggest yet.

Why did this one interview, this one person, so galvanize the protest movement? Because it was the first time ordinary Egyptians heard a protest leader passionately defend the revolt, free from the vicious anti-protester propaganda of the state-dominated media. Journalists from the state controlled-media themselves joined the revolt and started reporting the truth.