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IPFS News Link • Police State

Copblock at Libertopia


Stefan Molyneux was Master of Ceremonies, and kicked off the event with an opening speech on Friday morning, as Drew, Nick, and I set up shop and offered a wide variety of T-shirts, sweatshirts, informational material, pins, hats, and other gear. All weekend, we handed out fliers on tips for interacting with police, ways to get involved with Copblock, and talked to attendees about police accountability. We met many intriguing and enthusiastic people who were interested in and supportive of Copblock’s efforts to document police and raise awareness about police brutality.

Others exhibitors included Freedoms PhoenixAntiwar.comStudents For LibertyThe Free State, LOLA, among others.

The event, which was October 21-23, featured many fantastic speakers. To see some of the speeches, just go to and search “Libertopia.” Of particular relevance was Marc J. Victor, a criminal defense attorney,who spoke extensively about why you should never talk to cops, regardless of whether you think you are guilty or not. In addition, Anthony Gregory lectured on The Case for Abolishing Police, and Bill Buppert talked about Private Security in the Post-State World.