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IPFS News Link • Activism

A New York Police Union Threatens to Sue Protesters

• The Atlantic Wire
"Any assault on a police officer is not only punishable as a felony in the State of New York, but will also be met with swift and certain legal action by the SBA, which will seek monetary damages against any individual who causes injury to a New York City Sergeant," said the president of the group, Ed Mullins.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

      So...What did you expect?

      Cops are a lot like the little kids they eumulate. They expect to be treated differently than the rest of us...And, if the past is any indication, they will be. Afterall, they are apparently be exempted from the law(s) that get in their way. (Even though they, literally, get away with murder, they are still subject - by law - to the same laws that every other citizen is governed by.)

      Too bad the brutalized public doesn't have a union (Constitution) to fall back on!

      As to what the protestors should do:  They should get organized; they should stop blaming the asshole money changers for the many crimes and atocities they continue to commit, and start blaming their enablers - the governments of the various cabals that meet all the time to figure out how to rape and rob the world economic system for their benefit, without being too badly hurt, themselves; and, they might try non-violence, as tough as it is...It has worked, in the past and the powers are incapable of it.