IPFS Larken Rose

More About: Philosophy: Libertarianism

Van Jones: Dishonest, Intolerant Slavery Advocate

Obviously, the tyranny advocates of the world, like Obama and his collectivist buddies, are getting a little scared that the philosophy of freedom has been growing by leaps and bounds recently. So the megalomaniac brigade has ratcheted up its Orwellian propaganda, trying to tell everyone that freedom is slavery, peaceful coexistence is hateful and intolerant, and massive extortion and violent domination is compassionate and noble.

Van Jones, a collectivist state-worshiper comrade of Obama's, recently referred to libertarianism as a "despicable ideology," claiming that libertarians "hate" various groups of minorities, and generally trying to paint people like Ron Paul as Satan. Now, if the average couch potato had said these things, I would guess that he was merely an unthinking parrot of the usual statist propaganda. But in the case of Van Jones, he can't plead ignorance. He says what he says because what he desires above all else is to violently force others to be whatever he thinks they should be, and the idea of freedom interferes with that agenda. He is not alone in his megalomania; almost everyone in "high" public office, of any color, religion, or party affiliation, is there because he wants to dominate his fellow man. Despite being black, Van Jones is, just like Obama, an aspiring slave-master. If you think I exaggerate, read on.

If Mr. Jones was merely stupid, I could believe that he really can't tell the difference between right-wing statist control freaks, and those who believe in the non-aggression principle (libertarians). But he's not that stupid. He is intentionally trying to make his audience accept the idiotic lie that believing that everyone should be allowed to run his own life, make his own decisions, and spend his own money (a.k.a. libertarianism), is the same as hating everyone who isn't like you, and wanting to oppress and enslave everyone else.

Mr. Jones seems to be doing quite a bit of psychological projecting in his accusations. If you want to see an intolerant, hateful, pack-mentality control freak, look no further than Van Jones. Or Obama, for that matter. It is really sad that anyone would believe, based on the color of Obama's skin, that he actually cares about black people. Obama doesn't care about the average American black any more than George Bush cares about me. Despite the patently idiotic tripe we're all taught to the contrary, people don't seek positions of power and control in order to help and serve those whom they seek to control. Do you think Van Jones, or Obama, wanted to be where they are so they could leave you alone? They wanted the "Ring of Power" so they could USE it. And the only way anyone can use the power of "government" is to violently control people. That's all "laws" are: threats of violence.

Let's take an example Van Jones brought up, which even makes many pro-freedom advocates tread softly, for fear of offending anyone. (Don't expect any soft-treading here.) Many of the so-called "anti-discrimination" laws are unjustified and evil. People who grasp the principles of liberty and self-ownership understand this. Take the example Van Jones used, of some racist restaurant owner who refuses to serve blacks, or some other minority group. This makes a fine example of why the belief in "government" is such a horribly dangerous and destructive superstition. If you accept the notion that "government" has the right to violently impose "fairness" and "rightness" upon everyone, then the tyrants (like Obama and his collectivist buddies) can always find a way to trick you into advocating thuggery and oppression.

Imagine, for example, that some white guy went up to Van Jones, and said, "I'm going to follow you around for a few days, to make sure that you're spending enough money at white-owned establishments." How do you suppose he would react? I'm guessing he would have a temporary fit of righteous indignation and moral clarity, and say, "You have no right to tell me how to spend my money!" And he'd be right.

And, for the exact same reason, no one has the right to force some Aryan Nation member to hire a black man. Incidentally, there's a word for forcing someone to serve someone else--which is what Van Jones is advocating. That word is "slavery." I realize that in a country governed mainly by meaningless, emotional, rhetorical mush, that might sound strange to most people. But it's called a principle. Each person owns himself, and owns the fruits of his labors. No one owns anyone else, and no one has the right to take what anyone else has earned without his consent. Freedom means freedom. If someone wants to spend his own money in a way that I think is racist, rude, or economically idiotic, I have no right whatsoever to interfere.

If, for example, some black store owner refuses to serve me because I'm white, or because I have reddish hair, or because I said nasty things about Fuhrer Obama, it is his absolute right to choose not to trade with me. And being someone who actually understands and abides by principles, if anyone tried to force the store owner to serve me--whether via the state violence of "legislation" or by any other means--I would be first in line to defend the store owner's right to be a rude, racist dumbass, by not allowing me in his store.

Why? Because I have moral principles, and I value peaceful coexistence. And peaceful coexistence doesn't mean a giant love-in where everyone is the same. It doesn't mean everyone will like everyone else, or everyone will agree on everything. It doesn't mean everyone will approve of each other's choices or lifestyles. It doesn't mean everyone will say nice things about each other. It means only that people--whatever religious, racial, economic, philosophical, or any other differences they may have--will tolerate the existence of each other, and not initiate violence against each other. That's what it means to be civilized.

Despite how the collectivists have mangled the term, that is what "tolerance" actually means. It doesn't mean you like something, or approve of it--it means that you allow it to be, you don't attempt to violently eradicate it just because you don't like it. It means that, whatever you might think of it, you tolerate its existence. Libertarians do that. Obama and Van Jones do not. Instead, they seek to use the power of the state to violently impose their ideas of fairness and politeness upon the rest of humanity.

The real reason Van Jones hates libertarians--and yes, I do mean "hates"--is because if they get their way, he will become as irrelevant and powerless as he should be. Of course those who crave dominion over their fellow man hate libertarianism, and find it "despicable," because in a world where the principles of self-ownership and non-aggression are understood and embraced, there will be nothing for tyrants like Van Jones to do, no way for them to trick people into giving them power. Libertarianism will always pose a threat to megalomaniacs like Van Jones, because megalomaniacs will always pose a threat to peaceful coexistence, i.e., rational and moral civilization.



44 Comments in Response to

Comment by Kit Kal
Entered on:

 To Bayag:

I am no donkey at all.  Your moronic statement (see comment bayag (#045454) 
 betrays your ignorance.  I responded to comments the way I did because they were attacks and I won't stand for them; I can play the insult card if I have to.  As for not addressing Larken's accusation that you, Anonymous75, and BrutosEctos, etc. were the same people, I simply agreed that it could easily be done; it does not make it true, yet, Anonymous75 lied in his further attacks about "the story about Kit Kai to distract from the fact that he is a 'tax cheat' and felon." To Paraphrase; see Comment by: Anonymous75 (#045815)
Entered on: 2012-04-17 10:15:14
for full comment and in context. 

All of us have to realize we are names on a screen with no face; Larken has his at the begining of this opinion piece, at least.  So, the possibility of what he pointed to is there and he had valid points; the same things were being said under different names.  To go further, he has not actually exposed anything except his inability to hide behind the keyboard; whatever occupation he says he is I hold in total doubt from here on out.

To BrutosEctos:

I read Larken's response, the whole thing, and he defended himself from Andrew Cook.  So, this proves nothing of the man's mental status.  Next, you have not exposed anything, either.  Larken admits to what he was convicted of and his argument was not even refuted.  The IRS has undue influence in the courts when it comes to any who attempt to confront them for what they are.  So, it is no surprise that they were able to get a conviction; they have to make examples. 

Also, you claim to be a lawyer now, and included Anonymous75 in there; so, is he a Journalism teacher or Lawyer?  I find your claim doubtful, but whatever.  As to your claim that Larken made up the word misdemeanant, well, have you actually looked that word up?

Here is the definition I found by referencing dictionary.com:

mis·de·mean·ant   [mis-di-mee-nuh nt]  Show IPA noun 1. a person who is guilty of misbehavior. 2. Law . a person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor. Do you have anything to say for yourself? I am willing to bet you won't address it but continue to attack my comments and Larken as well. I can go on, but I think I will leave it there.  It is truly sad that you could not simply write your own Opinion piece and debate, refute, disprove what Larken wrote.  That probably won't happen, either. Kit Kal
Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

Correction to my Comment by: Anonymous75 (#045815)


Entered on: 2012-04-18 09:05:01 …


The first line of the penultimate paragraph should read: If you are in your RIGHT MIND as a DECENT citizen …



Comment by panocha
Entered on:

From Brutos' Comment: "I want Larken Rose to understand and for him to keep in mind that a felon is a lawbreaker, a crook, a wrongdoer, a convict … see Thesaurus: English (U.S.).

"He is any of those, whichever he picks that describes what he is .. a crook, an ex-convict that in law unmistakably identifies him as such. On record, it is a civil disability that he carries with him for life."

Brutos is right. Larken Rose has a record of felony. It is a reference for his permanent civil if not criminal disability for life. He committed an offense involving moral turpitude and cannot be trusted [a scam absconding his financial obligation to IRS]. Who would believe whatever he says, much more trust him in any financial transaction, let alone trust him as a person with honor and integrity? Perhaps people like PureTrust who is kind-hearted enough to apply a soothing balm of endearment to ease his sore by simply saying that Annonymous75 was just playing some kind of a game when he exposed Larken Rose's shenanigan and mental disorder.

Comment by bayag
Entered on:

What kind of a donkey are you? [See my comment below to Kit Kiat as corrected.]

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

For safety and national security, I feel an urgency of posting an appeal of fairness and sense of righteousness in this website: I have a SOLID commentary in establishing the fact that Larken Rose is a TAX CON MAN suffering a chronic psychosis or form of insanity -- a severe, dangerous kind of mental disorder most terrorists like Timothy McVeigh and Jared Loughner [just to cite a couple out of many sociopaths who should not be roaming the streets] are seriously afflicted with. His conviction as a tax cheat and his dangerous psychotic personality that I have brought to the attention of the public are based on IRS records, and on his published statements to shoot cops dead and murder people working in the Government. All these stand on solid ground – not just a concoction. It shouldn’t be mistaken as something contrived, or personal.

If you are in your RIGHT MIND as a descent citizen ready to help protect the public from sociopaths like Larken Rose – and who knows you, your spouse and your children in school would be the next victims they would shoot dead without any provocation -- you should thank me instead of turning your back an attack me, like what you do in your comments as demented as Rose’s pointless tirades are.

This sociopath had threatened to kill cops and people in the Government. If he will not do the killing himself because he is a coward, he could snap like any other homicidal crackpot and pull the trigger. Those who are mentally weak and morally depraved who read his "books" and view his "videos" assuring anyone that to kill a cop or government official is all right would do the assassination for him – and when they do, the blood of the victims will be in your hands because in your comments you encouraged and supported him! This is the concomitant danger that I see when I read your comments that support or encourage a sociopath to kill. Hence this is an appeal to your decency. If you are in the dark on this issue, be guided accordingly – follow the righteous lead of your moral compass.


Comment by BrutusEctos
Entered on:

It was not only Annonymous75 and myself who discovered that Larken Rose is an ex-convict and a Psycho. But he has a pattern of badmouthing those who exposed him – calling them "delusional" or "schizophrenic psycho" -- to divert attention away from what he actually is … a delusional Psycho.

Andrew Cook and many others discovered also Larken Rose’s insanity. Among others, Cook exposed Larken Rose as a fraud who according to him "knowingly sells stuff [his "book"] that he knows is total bullshit." http://www.copblock.org/8870/federal-agents-visit-larken-rose-mention-copblock-org-blog-post/.

What did he call Cook for exposing him as an insane tax felon? Quote from Larken Rose: "Mr. Cook, you’re a strange combination of ignorant, dishonest, delusional, and psychotically obsessed." See this pattern of dirty-mouthing of a psychotic mind?

Look what Larken Rosee called Annonymous75 when he exposed him like what Cook did: "delusional, schizophrenic psycho". A pattern or spontaneous archetype of badmouth he throws back to those who discovered him as a sociopath and a tax cheat. This really indicates the seriousness of his irreversible mental illness.

Again Larken Rose exhibited his mental disorder when he misled the public into believing what he said that he is NOT a FELON – just a "misdemeanant". [see below comment of Larken Rose (#019393) … Entered on: 2012-04-12 08:44:04.]

This word "misdemeanant" is not in any dictionary – he just invented it. He is not in touch with reality that’s why he always "invent" what he says, to divert attention away from the fact that he is a felon convicted of tax fraud. I think this brand that the IRS stamped right on his face haunts him like a ghost that does not go away.

He cannot also escape away from it by fooling around with lawyers like Annonymous75 and myself by misleading the public that is not a felon when in fact he is. He has only a two-year college education. He did not even specify this "education" whether janitorial or just to get a certificate as an "embalmer" or a "caretaker" judging from his tendency to violence.

It is not for me to educate him, but by nature I am a kind and a considerate person always ready to help the ignorant [I always do this to my clients to do away with their ignorance of law].

Felony is an offense punishable by death OR imprisonment for more than one year [Criminal Law 14-15 Third Ed., 1982]. Larken Rose is a felon after having been convicted and served a prison term of more than one year, in addition to pay a huge amount of fine as part of the penalty imposed on him by law. [This is clear in his IRS Record of conviction.]

I want Larken Rose to understand and for him to keep in mind that a felon is a lawbreaker, a crook, a wrongdoer, a convict … see Thesaurus: English (U.S.).

He is any of those, whichever he picks that describes what he is .. a crook, an ex-convict that in law unmistakably identifies him as such. On record, it is a civil disability that he carries with him for life.

Comment by bayag
Entered on:

To Kit Kai or Tool Kit whatever you call yourself – don’t be such a donkey. Address your acid speech [spit] to your lunatic icon Larken Rose who was the first to call Annonymous75 and myself and the rest of us who discovered that he is a psychotic tax convict on the records of the IRS. And now you resented the fact that we assumed you and the Psycho are but one and the same person. But you did not resent the fact that your demented idol was first to make an assumption that the rest of us and Annonymous75 are but one and the same person … what kind of a donkey are?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Hasn't anyone noticed that it is a game with Anonymous75 and his aliases and cohorts? Their goal isn't what it seems. The two major goals that they are trying to accomplish are these:

1. They are trying to make good, freedom-loving American commenters state things that can be used against them. That is, these jokers are trying to make libertarians emotionally distraught enough that they will post comments, out of anger, that get them in trouble with the authorities... or at least black-listed with the FBI.

2. They are trying to cover up good comments by using long-winded speeches to bore comment readers to the extent that these readers will go away and not come back.

Because of the above, I think Ernie and Powell should make a method in the FP site, wherein a reader can easily click on any commenter's handle, and go to all the comments that commenter has posted, without having interruptions of other commenters' comments staring at him. This way, when a commenter makes good sense in general, readers can look at all his comments without being interrupted by things that throw him off point, or by drivel.

Comment by Kit Kal
Entered on:


To Anonymous75:



ROFLMAO!  So, Larken Rose “made up the story of Kit Kai.”  Wow!  As I read your comments, an image of the Tasmanian Devil popped into my head; you know “Looney Tunes” character who spun around crazy like, spitting and slobbering all over himself.  I always enjoyed those cartoons, but never did I think I might cross paths, even virtually, with an actual person, acting like that.



Well, for the record I am NOT Larken Rose; that goes for any other who has that in their head.  I am an Individual who thinks for myself, makes choices good or bad for , and I find your comments to be truly despicable; I despise Bullies and especially adult ones.  Bully children can be forgiven if they can grow and learn from those mistakes; phases many children go threw and have likely to learn lessons the hard way.  I see that you have not and seem to think you can hide behind a computer screen and push people around that way; well, you got another think coming.  You still have to deal with your own cowardice; maybe, you are okay with that.  Just know that when all comes down to it, you still pay the consequences for your bad decisions, even if you do not take responsibility; I am sure in your “Great wisdom” you already know that.



By the way, how much do you make as a professional troll?  Just curious.  I have never met Larken Rose; I am just familiar with his work and personal battles he took with the IRS and the seeming undying belief in ‘government.’  I am also, aware of the article he published with this question as its title: “When Should You Shoot a Cop?”  He knew and said as much in the first paragraph, that it would get a knee jerk reaction from people, but he explained it in the article further and then, went through the trouble to go more in depth on what he meant with a 15 minute video on You Tube.  Not once did he suggest going out and murdering Cops; he asked a viable question that one has to ask and try to answer for themselves before they would have such a confrontation.  He was talking about defending oneself should someone attack physically, no different than any other, except for the badge.  But you knew that didn’t you oh great one; that is called sarcasm, by the way.  Here is something for you, Anonymous75 or whatever name you choose, GET OVER YOURSELF!



You do not know what you are even talking about. You just give insult after insult and think that because you say that a person who actually agrees with Larken Rose, is really Larken Rose makes it true; It does not.  And the handle I used is Kit Kal, with an l not an i; to set that straight too.  It was my own name I put together and you would gather that from what I said in my second comment.



It is possible that your actually Van Jones and this your attempt at misdirecting and convoluting what Larken says in his OPINION piece.  This is of course speculation, but only because I know you as Anonymous75, or BrutusEctos, or Buttkiss, or Butthead etc. Whatever, I could go on and on but, I’m not going to.  I am going to post this response, then, watch the comedy further unfold.



I will decide if I want to respond further to your verbal fecal matter.  I will give you an opportunity to post a link to whatever you wrote on how you “Exposed the Tax Felon Larken Rose.”  WTFever.


All that I say here also, goes for others, if there are such, that are backwards with their comments toward Larken and myself.  Also, I have proven by posting on here that the one calling themselves, 'Anonymous75' is lying at least about who I am; by my very existance they are caught in a Lie, that should tell people something I would think.


Kit Kal



Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Annonymous75, a friend who read your exposure of Larken Rose as a "convicted tax felon" wanted to print his comment but thinks it is a waste of time. Larken Rose has fed himself and his family and raised his kids out of the Government's tax money he had stolen from the IRS for a certain number of years until he was caught!  How can those commenters from the "lunatic fringe" you can read below, ADMIRE [?] this demented tax cheat is beyond me!

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

To you Psycho: Whatever "mental" acrobatic you will say here then, and from here on, nobody listens to you and will never believe you. Whatever you say here right now does not erase your lifetime IDENTITY now exposed to our website readers and to the public that you are a tax dodger and a convicted tax felon! Ernest and the rest you blindsided are now aware who you are and what kind of a person you are that they want to just ignore and avoid.

Your published psychopathic statements to kill cops and murder people in the Government that you cannot deny, confirmed that you are more dangerous if not more than just an ordinary psychopath compared to Timothy McVeigh, Jared Loughner and their likes.

No matter how you try to wiggle out your way from your conviction as a lunatic tax cheat on record, and from your published homicidal statements to shoot cops and murder government officials after they jailed you, it won’t work. But good luck … keep trying, like what you are doing now – leaving a trail of psychosomatic statements of aggression symptomatic of your chronic neurosis. Don’t stop trying until the last and final day they lower you to your grave.

But out of my pity and sympathy to you, I must knock at your thick skull to remind you again that the IDENTITY you created out of yourself is a menacing dark shadow that is with you wherever you are, whatever you do and wherever you go, until the time they administer the last rite on you at the end of your useless, shameful and despicable life you have lived as an ugly, mentally disfigured scoundrel!

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

Normally, I think delusional, schizophrenic narcissists are more organized than this. That's the SECOND time, just in the comments under this article, that Mr. Delusion lost track of which pseudonyms he had used so far. First, he responded to "Phantom75," despite the fact that no such person had yet posted anything here. Then "Brutus" complained that I said he was Anonymous, even though he hadn't posted anything before as "Brutus" (and therefore I hadn't said anything to him, or about him). Try to keep your alibis straight, Schizo-Man. Even chronic, pathological narcissistic liars like Bill Clinton do a better job keeping their lies straight than you. And when you repeat identical lies and errors when using different pseudonyms, you blow your own cover. For example, an actual journalist would know that quotation marks are NOT used for emphasis. And people who know anything about the law know that court documents are not "IRS records." But then, people who know something about law also know that a "felon" is someone who has been convicted of a felony (which I wasn't). And when you express your narcissistic, self-worshiping delusions, using one of your split personalities to gush praise on another, to make it believable, try to put it in terms that normal people use when they compliment each other. To be that infatuated with yourself is more than a little creepy, and the fact that you then project such dementia onto others doesn't help. But thanks for the entertainment. And really, seek help. Trolls might get some amusement out of what they do, but I can't imagine it's very fun living a perpetual lie like you do. Now I'm done with you. Enjoy your life, if you can call it that.

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Annonymous75, I take my hat off to you and for my personal appreciation I bow before you ... I could hardly believe that you are so smart for a Ph.D. legend guesting in this website.  You peeled off the skin of this "mentally disturbed" guy named Larken Rose and let the public see what lies underneath -- a dangerous psychopath!  You should have done the same to Timothy McVeigh or Jared Loughner and warned the public of what they were then about to do. Profiling or baring what lurks in the inner-most, darkest corner of their mind could have saved lives! Thanks again Phatom75. Our admirations are beyond words.

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

Bayag, Brutos … Thanks for having a mind of your own. You have to defend yourself from those irrational comments coming from the same two-legged biped whose murderous lunacy I exposed to the public to alert Americans for their safety and as matter of national security.

It is not fair, let alone personally invasive to you and me, to characterize or pigeonhole you and I as the same and one person just because by using our individual minds we came to the same findings BASED ON RECORDS that Larken Rose is a proven neurotic Psycho who blindsided Ernest of his jail sentence as a convicted tax felon and as a "writer" with psychotic tendencies when he stealthily invaded this website through the backdoor.

This Psycho tried to detour attention away from him by making a story about Kit Kai -- that Kit Kai and him are not one and the same person. He cannot deny that he and Kit Kai are but one and the same person because if he can, he will eat his own stupid labeling that you and I are also not the same person. He argues that you and I are but one and the same person … so do we argue to prove his lunatic contradiction by telling him that he and Kit Kai, Alice Smith, Marlow Mosier, Michael Eck and Don Duncan who are all singing the same songs [see their comments below] are but one and the same person!

Can you see now how deranged this mentally disturbed Larken Rose is? He is not aware of what he is doing, and he could not even understand the meaning of what he is saying.

It is so funny that because he saw the words "tax felon" in your comments and mine, it triggered his lunacy into accusing us as one and the same person … poor guy. "Tax felon" is not a copyright expression or description of a tax convict like Larken Rose that it could not be used by others. Again, can you see how "mentally conk-out" this Psycho is?

No need to read this "article" written by a proven Psycho … and for what? Who wants to read an "article" written by a Psycho … are you kidding me?

Comment by BrutusEctos
Entered on:

I resent your fatuous and nonsensical labeling that I am Annonymous75. It does not only cast aspersion to Anonymous but also insults me. What do you take me for – a psychopath like you?

I agree with all the comments against you that you are a proven psycho. That does prove that I am Annonymous75 or I am any of those who agreed that you are schizophrenic? You self-incriminated yourself as a psychopath and it is right there in the records of the IRS and in the Web where Annonymous75’s comments guided me to go and investigate! Listen, Psycho, that’s how fair we are to you. We are not lunatics that just jump to conclusion like you. In my own investigation, I found out that you were hooked like a fish through your own loud mouth – your published statements to kill cops and murder people in the Government after they threw you in jail. Here it is crystal clear that you proved yourself as an "oxymoron" and an incurable psychopathic moron! Of course I understand that you are a "loco" incapable of thinking straight, and if I am hard in presenting those facts, for that I do apologize.

Comment by bayag
Entered on:

To Larken and Kit Kai: If Anonymous 75 and others including myself whose comments below are in total agreement that we found you mentally conked out and schizophrenic based on hard evidence you COULD NOT WIGGLE YOURSELF OUT, why do you have a difficulty in admitting that you two who are praising each other’s lunacy are but one and the same person? Think about it wackos! Your stupidity makes me sick even if I already can’t stomach your lunacy!

Comment by Kit Kal
Entered on:


Yep, it can easily be done and though I did not use my full last name, the first name is one I am known by in my family and among friends I grew up with; therefore, it is not a fake.  The last name used is the first three letters to my last name; nothing real sneaky here.  I have been following your work after I watched your presentation at the "Free Your Mind Conference" in Philadelphia organized by Mark Passio; another intelligent man.  I am impressed by what you say; though I have known these things since childhood I did not quite understand enough to know what was wrong and I fell further into the statist mindset.  I have not fully recovered, yet, as I still cling to the 'some government is necessary' argument, but only in the short term.  The contradictions you have pointed to in the US Constitution, for example, I argue to family members (a brother and my father) that these can be corrected and that document can be improved in our, the peoples', favor; restricting the 'government' further, leading those dependent on 'government' to thinking and doing things for themselves, rendering it obsolete and irrelevant.  This is one way that an 'anarchist' voluntary society can truly come about.  While I might not agree entirely with you, it is very hard to poke wholes in your argument in any sensible way; resorting to adolescent name calling is not 'normal' and I have heard that actual teenagers are 'sociopathic' in their mentality until such a time as they mature.  Interesting if that is the case seeing the nature of the attacking comments posted here; they are not interested in having a debate, as you already know.

Anyway, thought I would mention that I have commented on other media you have used like youtube; the handle Kitk with a number like 31 or 33 is mine.


Kit K.

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

Kit Kal,

Thanks for your comments. On the bright side, ALL of the negative comments under this article are from the SAME psychotic schizo. Note how they all use the same terminology--such as "tax felon" (which isn't even true)--the same phrasing, the same false assertions, not to mention the creepy self-worshiping, schizophrenic bragging, with one fake persona praising another one. The guy isn't just your average troll; he really is a few cards short of a full deck. But I suppose he adds entertainment value, especially when he accuses other people of being "disturbed."

Comment by Kit Kal
Entered on:


Larken: I find your points dead on.  I agree with you on pretty much everything.  Well Done.

Anonymous75 and others who seem to not have actually read what Larken wrote, but instead are on the attack of the man's character and attempting to gin up his fight with the IRS as if he were some sort of thief (ironic that, because he was arguing that they show how his income was Taxable, sourcing their own code 861,) I think you are seriously confused and suffer from SWD (State Worship Disorder).  This is a disorder that many in this country suffer from; it is fear of not having 'government' involved in every aspect of each individual's life.

Much of the comments I read sound like an attempt to distract from what Larken is expressing in his Opinion piece; the trolls show their own lunacy in what they write.  You, the trolls, make his points for him by the way.

To Anonymous75 specifically and any other names you use: You say you are educated and have taught Journalism, but you give no way to fact check what you say.  Whereas, Larken has admitted many times over, what has happened with his fight with the IRS; you have not exposed anything.  I find no fault with him and his wife for doing their best to stand up to this Bully/theft agency; in fact, I give them both my respect for having the courage to do so.  He, also, does not hide behind a 'pseudonym' like you and others who attack him, do.  And furthermore, your lack of thinking shows in your writing.  I would not be surprised if you were an actual agent of the IRS, monitoring and trolling any websites this man writes on or videos he posts; that would only lend more credibility to Larken's points if it turned out to be true.

To Anyone that is reading Larken’s work for the first time, do not take any of those who attack him to heart; what they are saying is a bunch of lies’ with the exception of his battle with the IRS; in as far as, using code 861 in confronting them on whether his income was/is taxable.  Also, it is worth noting that they did not deny any of what he claimed and furthermore, came after him and his wife for ‘willful failure to file,’ something that is not even against the ‘law.’ 

As for him ‘cheating’ the IRS on ‘taxes,’ that is like accusing someone for ‘cheating’ a thief out of the money he would have otherwise been successful in taking.  Is that thief ‘entitled’ to what he stole?  Even if that thief says he is going to give it to a ‘needy’ person?  What right does he have?  And what right does the ‘government’ through the IRS have to that money?  The answers are simple; they have no right, so, he confronted them.  Just because they managed to get a conviction on a trumped up charge does not make them justified; the jury was, either, coerced or suffered from SWD.

(Note: SWD is my own made up name to describe those who find ‘government’ necessary in all facets of an Individual’s and the general public’s life.  There is no actual diagnosis to my knowledge.)

I pay ‘taxes’ because I don’t see a way out of it.  I find myself between a rock and a hard place; this is why I support someone like Larken because he stands his ground and speaks out about such issues.  I also, support Presidential Candidates who speak of eliminating the income tax and IRS all around; only one has it in mind to do this at that is Ron Paul. 



Kit K


Comment by Bertha Anonimo
Entered on:

You cannot declare the Government an outlaw after the IRS caught you up cheating and after you served time in jail like this glib-tongued tax felon who wrote this article. After getting out of jail you cannot write and sell books spitefully declaring IRS officials, the cops that arrested you and the Government, criminals, and for that you urged the public to shoot all of them dead!

This dummy "outlawed" the U.S. Government after he was caught cheating -- not paying taxes for years and after the IRS caught up with him, outlawed him and threw him in jail! He cannot understand why he was jailed, so he declared the Government an outlaw! That's how this crackpot shows his incurable mental illness. Unaware of self-incrimination, he testified against himself. In short, he himself proved his own tax violation as well as his own insanity.

No normal person would outlaw the Government because nobody could -- and this person with an inverted stomach believed he could. It is the Government [IRS] that would declare you an outlaw -- not the other way around -- if you cheat the IRS or publicly declare to shoot cops dead! Only the mentally disturbed would ever do that ... really ... believe me! This proof is established, and it is beyond reproach. No amount of semantics can disprove this self-incriminatory evidence in the court of law, and in the bar of public opinion. One thousand angels from the dark side descending upon this website to declare that he is well and normal or to doctor his soiled image as a smart aleck, cannot make a lie out of this ugly truth of who and what he is. He had already made his own headstone – the tombstone of the living dead!

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 I agree. It is not a good read for me. This writer contradicts himself in a poor display of logic. He would outlaw the law [?], hates public officials and finally hates himself and I am afraid would also shoot cops and himself! In the picture, his favorite pose betrays what lurks in his mind.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:


Comment by George Voit
Entered on:

This article is no good. It has loose ends. Anonymous 75 is right. Larken Rose’s above-written article is a bad material for public reading. His "twisted" mind reflects a subversive aggression of a mentally disturbed person.

In this article, pick up a paragraph at random, and in it is what Anonymous75 had pointed out -- the author’s insanity.

For example, in this paragraph, this is what he said: "And the only way anyone can use the power of ‘government’ is to violently control people. That's all "laws" are: threats of violence."

This is absolutely false …NOT REAL! Not just "anyone" can use government power. If it is used, it is NOT to control people, but to control lawbreakers and to put criminals away.

But this author’s "twisted" mind believes that government power is used to VIOLENTLY CONTROL PEOPLE!. Only a sick mind would say that.

His "contorted" thinking considers all laws as "threat of violence". It reflects a very screwed up mind that thinks the Government is a criminal and public officials who run it are murderers. In his videos, he urged everybody to shoot and kill cops – kind of a rage to just kill them all! I am sure that was what Timothy McVeigh and the Unabomber were thinking when they snapped and went on a rampage killing, and lately, also what Jared Loughner was thinking when he tried to shoot to kill a Congressperson and in fact had killed quite a number of innocent people in a hate binge – that insuperable urge to just kill as many innocent people as possible!

This trash is R.I.P. at the bottom of the wastebasket.
Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

To Brag (#045216): I understand your concern, soldier. Like cops that save us from dangerous sociopaths like Larken Rose and protect us from those anti-Government piglets feeding like voracious hogs on his nightcap of shoot-all-cops-dead mentality, you are definitely a HERO that the American public admires. Unfortunately, for fighting the war to protect our way of life, you are also hated by the enemy of the State whose uncontrollable anger towards you and the country you served has been described by the National Institute of Health as a form of "mental illness".

Don’t worry about me, my dear friend Brag. I am a live, inexhaustible self-re-enforcing dynamo – a positive living cerebral energy that psychopaths like Larken Rose have no idea at all or could not even begin to imagine, much more understand! My background of years of academic experience and knowledge is so huge that bangers of characters from the "lunatic fringe" and spoilers of hard-earned lifetime reputation … Lilliputian minds mostly residing in this website, could neither come up to [not even close] nor comprehend, no matter how they pretend to be so stupidly smart.

To say this in a more specific terms, sterile broadside attacks of mentally-twisted aggressors suffering a severe case of psychotic syndrome -- a perfect example of which is this psycho named Larken Rose whose personality disorder and behavior in the Web I have exposed and proven beyond any reasonable doubt -- could neither dent nor dissipate the power of the intellectual energy that I am demonstrating to you and your group.

As I have explained before to the owner of this website, I am here for and in behalf of Ernest’s Libertarian reading public being blindsided by psychopaths and embarrassed constantly by revolutionary ideologues in extremis. Since I subscribe to the best tenets of Libertarianism – and only to the sterling principles of Libertarianism that were not antiquated by time and had become decrepit to be of use to modern life -- to destroy them the way psychopaths like Larken Rose do, i.e., obviously driving the website towards inclusion in the FBI Watch List, is in my opinion, intolerable. Furthermore, Brag you are a man in uniform who is on the side of the interest of the public, so I chose your lot in this Forum where I feel comfortable with.

Now back to Larken Rose’s deceit and mental corruption… Without my exposure, Ernest would not even have known Larken Rose’s dishonesty, let alone his mental disorder and psychopathic tendencies … i.e., that Rose was jailed for not paying Federal taxes. The reason on record for not paying was that of a DEMENTED tax evader. You can review the record like I did to know how insane he was in his "arguments" during the trial convicting him as a tax dodger.

I have no doubt that the website had been surreptitiously invaded by a mentally disturbed tax con man with a glib tongue for chicanery – and I have said this before and will say it again that this is not good for the website. To anyone with a sense of decency, it is unacceptable for a con man, an ex-convict, to abuse everybody’s intelligence, including mine, as well as insult the intelligence of the American public, the way he did with impunity before he was exposed.

I repeat, the expose’ of danger for the safety of the public when this loony incited Americans to shoot and kill cops is of paramount importance – it is the only key to this intervention. Only the retarded would say that it is "personal" on my part … albeit, the comments I wrote down to alert Americans for their safety and for reason of national security, may sound "personal" to the pygmy-minded that inhabit the Bronx side of Freedom Forum.

Nonetheless, be that as it may, the red flag I raised to warn the public for Larken Rose’s dangerous flare of advance psychosis was based on record – coming from his own mouth itself, and it is definitely not just a cooked up allegation. He accuses any writer who exposes his mental disorder as a "psycho" … in fact he is doing that in order to cover up flashes of his fitful insanity. You need not rely on my words … read his comments below and find out for yourself. His verbiage or angry accusations are but a delirium of a sick man; you will notice that these are not backed up by any evidence or proof – it is just a kick of the bucket by a man who has been suffering an incurable mental illness.

Exposing Larken Rose as a tax felon, an ex-convict that had served time in prison, is likewise based on IRS records. He could not dispute his bad record as a jailed con man. It walks with him, follows him like a shadow, the rest of his life. Again I suggest that you read his comments, and you can see and feel his frustrations. If he keeps himself out of the website… just out of sight for a short while, perhaps it might alleviate his gnawing anger and hide his scar for the time being. It is for his own good that he should listen to this suggestion, and besides, it is also for the safety of the public.

Comment by Brandon Lind
Entered on:

 everyone go on his facebook and say ur libertartian

Comment by Alice Smith
Entered on:

 Larken, Thanks for the great article.  It was a good read.

Comment by Marlow Mosier
Entered on:

Hey Larkin,

Great article exposing that freedom hating POS, Van Jones.  Too bad you are the victim of internet stalkers. I guess that's the price you pay for telling the unvarnished truth about the murderous, ever more ravenous monster state and its malignant officials.


Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

It's fascinating, if somewhat creepy, to watch "Anonymous," in all of his many pseudonyms, demonstrating his combination of profound narcissism and delusional psychoses, bragging about his made-up accomplishments via one of his pseudonyms praising another one. His perpetual psychological projecting, along with his pathological lying, is also interesting. Well, if making mindless, delusional tirades on Freedoms Phoenix keeps him from murdering and eating his neighbors, I'm all for it. Looneys have to have something to pass the time. (Hey Greg, I bet you didn't know you were really me in disguise.)

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

OMG!... Larken went to jail for not paying Federal Taxes?!... Stallion :)

Comment by brag
Entered on:

Phamton75 -- don't waste your formidable talents. Don't exhaust them all in responding to "whackos" like Larken Rose and his snoopy-snotty piglets. We in the side of the American public need your vast knowledge and wisdom in behalf of all normal-thinking Americans across the country being blinded by the insuperable hatred of anti-Government bangers on the loose. Insanity or madness is a barren issue hardly deserving of your attention.

To us -- For the American public ... Cheers!

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

Listen Posting Grego: It appears, although it may be more real than just apparent that Larken Rose has invented a new name – he is now "Greg Post" making a comment? Tsk … tsk, tsk. I know because it is the same comment of no one else but the same and only one "whacko" of its kind!

What I am writing here about Larken Rose are all backed up by the records of the IRS, and I quoted the proof of his insanity. Can’t you read? Read again and again my comments that are clear as crystal, otherwise, buy a new set of contact lens or eyeglasses, or else drink a cup of black coffee to clear up your foggy mind. What the IRS record says, and what he said and published are indisputable proof of his dishonesty as a no good cheating person [an ex-convict] and his insanity.

How about you? And on what record do you base your yak-yaking … the basis of your badmouth? Nada! You are just badmouthing your way out of an unwinnable situation … let me remind you that you are viciously engaged in name-calling and nothing more .. no brain at all above your shoulder! You are just wasting my time.

You don’t even understanding what you are saying … you want me to agree or disagree with Larken Rose … Are you really that brainless? I already established his insanity -- and you want me to debate with a loony? C’mon, break a leg … take a hike…

Comment by Greg Post
Entered on:

Reason, Logic, and Common Sense once again prove to be too much for some people, like Mr. Anonymous - who hasn't even got the courage to invent a fake name !?  Same cheap and tired old tactics: If you can't address the argument, then assassinate the character of the person making it.  Agree or disagree with Larken Rose, discuss the premises, dissect the conclusions, show why you think they are wrong.  But to resort to cowardly name-calling, and childish mud-slinging merely makes his arguments appear the stronger, while making the Anonymous look like the Fool.  Great One Ring design, by the way - I wish the Iron Web symbol was bigger...

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

I wear a skirt, but in Freedom Forum, a person posting a comment must use a pseudonym, therefore for all you know I could be President Obama in disguise! Larken Rose seems ignorant of this requirement. A notorious narcissist like Larken Rose who adores his picture that always accompanies his posting do not like this requirement because he is ridiculed – like when someone looking at his favorite bust photograph made a comment that she have seen the ghost of President Abraham Lincoln’s "assassin".

Phantom75 was smart because when he described Larken Rose as a convicted tax evader and a psycho, he presented abundant proofs based on records and the quoted language used by Larken Rose himself clearly showing the evidence of his INSANITY! On the other hand, Rose angrily called his critics insane without citing any proof … just a gust of dirty, foul, steaming hot air coming from the mouth of a clearly mentally and emotional disturbed person. I have no doubt at all that there is really something wrong with this person’s mind. This form of mental illness has a medical name that I looked up in my brother’s medical book who is about to graduate in Medicine this year.

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

To Don Duncan: Two things I want you to learn from me, after I ask these questions: [1] How much do you know about Larken Rose, a felon convicted of tax evasion? [2] How much time did you spend in the school of Journalism like I did [where I taught Journalism for several years] to be able to lecture to me that Rose’s writings are "rational"? Rational …are you kidding me? If you are not Larken Rose yourself using the name Don Duncan [as a tax con man, Larken Rose is a slippery chameleon that changes his split personalities in many ways], then you must be as crazy as he is.

First lesson you must learn: A written OXYMORON is never called an Essay, in any composition-writing standard. In Journalism, just because anyone can write is NOT called a writer, especially if what is written is pure nonsense.

One who is not aware that he is writing CONTRADICTORY statements like this irrational ex-convict is never called a WRITER in the study of Journalism. This loony who calls himself a writer, fits this description like a square peg in a round hole. I do not make this up. I can only say this to you with proof.

For example, this two-legged writing anomaly who calls himself a "writer" outside the standard requirement of Journalism, hated those who go to school to get an education [just go to his covert website]; he abused degree-holders by calling them "slaves" of the State and worse. He went to school to get a two-year college degree [he didn’t specify, maybe as an embalmer or a caretaker because his IQ does not suggest anything higher than that of a violent criminal mind], and he called himself a freedom-loving free man. He writes an Oxymoron of himself!.

He preached this lunacy to the American public, quote: "If they want to achieve justice, they must become ‘criminals’ and ‘terrorists’"… another Oymoron. He wanted the public, and I quote his own words again, "to have the ability to kill government agents, both military and police." What more proof do you need to convince yourself that this guy is a very sick man? He is as mad as Charles Manson who commits murder before he kills. And Duncan, you call this "rational"?

On record, Larken Rose and his wife Tessa David who is also his business partner, conspired to evade paying their taxes and the Court found them guilty of "WILLFULLY failing to file tax returns". They were caught red-handed trying to cheat the IRS. In a public debate, any sane person would hardly defend these couple of dishonest tax dodgers and their notorious scambags [it’s all over the Internet!], don’t you think? A tax felon and a cheater like Larken Rose should be the last person to lecture Von Jones’ [whoever this guy is] on the subject of "dishonesty" -- is very offensive to public decency and an insult to the intelligence of the reading public.

If you are not sure of what you are doing, please refrain from making comments that idolize an anti-Christ disguised as a criminal preacher like Larken Rose …ignorant comments like yours, which to me appear like a headless demonic ritual!

Comment by Michael Eck
Entered on:

Right on again Larken,

I really liked your latest instructional video, How to be a Crook  I suppose anon75, or whatever it is, will enjoy.  

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

Understand, Don, that all of the comments under this article--aside from mine and yours--are from the same delusional, schizophrenic psycho. He uses lots of pseudonyms, but his psychoses remain the same. He's not merely your average brainwashed statist. He is completely out of touch with reality. When I say he has mental issues, I don't mean it in the common, general-insult type way. He really does have screws loose. I respond to him on occasion only in case any other reader might mistake his random rantings and false assertions for facts.

(P.S. I love how he admits I was convicted of a misdemeanor, and then says, "You're still a felon!" Um, a felon is someone who has been convicted of a felony. Duh. I kind of wish I WAS a felon; it has more prestige. Being a "misdemeanant"--the proper term--is hardly something to write home about.)

Comment by Don Duncan
Entered on:

Anon. 75: You equate physical attack, e.g., Manson's murder, with Larken's writing a critical essay about Jones, as in "When they attack (Manson and Larken), it is an understatement to say that both are extremely dangerous!" I agree that both are dangerous. But Larken is much more dangerous because "The pen is mightier than the sword." It is psychologically revealing that you equate the two forms of attack, e.g., "I wonder if...(Larken)...would attract any reader of good standing. Bad for this website." Do you understand what "Freedom's Phoenix" is about? And you claim "No...offense intended-" when you call Larken's writing "...trashy writing...". Really? He is consistent, rational, and sincere, you are irrational, contradictory, and morally offensive. panocha; "...just thinking."? NOT! Just launching an emotional diatribe, e.g., "What did Jones do, we do not know."? Uh, try to understand (think about) what Larken wrote about Jones' attack on the libertarian philosophy of "live and let live". Stick to the ideas presented in the essay.

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

As con man, you could have gotten away if not for your stupidity in confronting the IRS in your failed attempt to cheat paying taxes. How many scoundrels like you had cheated the IRS of taxes and got away with it is countless that your name has a "star" in the FBI Watch List! Do NOT preach to others your MADNESS to shoot and kill a cop -- just do it yourself to prove that you are not a stinking coward yourself. I will write you a letter in the calaboose or in the asylum whichever caught up with you first, where you truly belong.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 All right Annonymous75 ...congratulations! You win. He now admits that he has a two-year college education. He called those who went to school to get an education slaves. He now accepts the fact that he is also a slave that he denounced because he happened to have an education. He wrote about his "Madness" -- his compulsion to kill cops ... his words were shoot those jackboots dead! Now he calls this peaceful co-existence. He couldn't hide the fact that he is really crazy! I think like Van Jones, you also hire a bodyguard. This whacko is on the loose!

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

Whatever you say, felon ... It does not change the fact that you are a convicted felon whose attempt to cheat the IRS made you an ex-inmate like Charles Manson. Your MADNESS like Manson earned you a prison term. Morality ...honesty ... bahhhh ... you are the last person -- an ex-convict -- to lecture on that, cheater! Haven't killed a cop yet? Get a life, crazy felon!

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

Dear Mr. Anonymous Extortion Apologist,

1) It was a misdemeanor, not a felony; 2) It was "willful failure to file," not tax evasion; 3) One cannot "cheat the IRS" any more than one can cheat a carjacker; 4) The government conceded that I never lied about my income or my actions, but was completely open about both; 5) I have a two-year college degree (not very impressive, but hardly "no school education"); 6) If you think advocating peaceful coexistence makes one "mad" and "disturbed," Obama may have a position for you in his administration; 7) It doesn't matter how many times you change your screen name here; your particular flavor of delusional psychosis is distinctive enough that I will always easily recognize you.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Okay, Panot -- it looks like as you said, he loves to accompany his "attack" writings with his favorite bustphoto for readers to comment. He looks all right, except for his moustach that makes him look so mean. I am a reader of character by just looking at photographs.  What I see is foreboding! Van Jones, if he is not a figment of this dangerous writer's imagination, who happens to be the object of his "philosphical affection", should hire at least five bodyguards aside from just buying a life insurance. Don't giggle. I am serious!

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

This "disturbed" writer named Larken Rose attacks Van Jones. What did Jones do, we do not know. The author loves himself while looking at his own picture above, maybe Jones made a mistake of telling this writer that he had seen the ghost of Abraham Lincoln's assassin... just thinking.

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:
I wonder if a tax felon preaching his own "morality" in this trashy writing while cheating the IRS in the declaration of his income in a case of tax evasion filed against him of which he was convicted and sent to prison, would attract any reader of good standing. Bad for this website.


News travels in the air that killer Charles Manson would soon be released on "parole" and I wonder what would happen if he and this very disturbed author meet. Both have one thing in common -- this writing anomaly wants to shoot cops dead, while Manson had already killed for the same reason -- MADNESS! I wonder if anyone is safe. 

No particular offense intended -- just a statement of opinion with regards to this  mad writer that attacks anyone on sight … kind of a loony who believes that those who went to school to get educated are "slaves" he dislikes. He had no school education that's why he believes he is the only "free" man on the planet today. See how mentally disturbed both him and Manson are? When they attack, it is an understatement to say that both are extremely dangerous!


