IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Entertainment: Outdoor Recreation

Epic bicycle adventure across America 2012

Once again, my friends and I will pedal our bicycles across America coast to coast.  I will be interviewing Americans from every walk of life as to their thoughts, ideas and feelings as to the condition of the United States of America.  I will return in three months with compelling op-eds for your inspection and contemplation. 
In the meantime, we will pedal from New Port Beach, Oregon to Virginia Beach, Virginia.  We will ride the Oregon Trail, cross over the Lewis and Clark Trail, ride where Jim Bridger rode and camp in the majestic Rocky Mountains. We will cross the Great Plains and get our kicks on Route 66.  We’ll crank our pedals into Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky and Georgia.  From there, up to the Great Smokey Mountains and travel up through South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia on the Blue Ridge Skyline Drive.   Washington DC will be our last stop and on to the Atlantic Ocean.
Each pedal stroke promises sweat, laughter, incredible scenery and the Zen of the Crank. 
                                                         What is adventure? 
Adventure offers every human being the ability to live ‘the’ moment of his or her most passionate idea, fantasy or pursuit.  It may take form in the arts, acting, sports, travel or other creative endeavors.  Once engaged, a person enjoys ‘satori’ or the perfect moment.  That instant may last seconds or a lifetime.  The key to adventure whether it be painting, dancing, sports or travel: throw yourself into it with rambunctious enthusiasm and zealous energy—leading toward uncommon passion for living.  By following that path, you will attract an amazing life that will imbue your spirit and fulfill your destiny as defined by you alone. In the end, you will savor the sweet taste of life pursuing goals that make you happy, rewarded and complete.  As a bonus, you may share your life experiences with other bold and uncommon human beings that laugh at life, compare themselves with no one and enjoy a whale of a ride!
                                                        Frosty Wooldridge
This fall, I will be attending population-immigration conferences and present my findings.  As always, my main theme continues to alert Americans as to the consequences of adding 100 million immigrants within the next 38 years.  Nobody will enjoy or like what happens to this country if we continue on our national suicide path.
“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates
We must come to a reckoning with these huge and unsustainable numbers.  I will continue to bring you the facts and realities we all face as well as future generations.
Additionally, on the positive side, you may follow the journey at my website, click this hot link:  http://www.HowToLiveALifeOfAdventure.com
If the roar of a wave crashes beyond your campsite, you might call that adventure.  When coyotes howl outside your tent--that may be adventure.   When the wind rips at your tent pegs—that too, may be called adventure.  While you’re sweating like a horse in a climb over a 12,000 foot pass, that’s adventure.  When a howling headwind  presses your lips against your teeth, you’re facing a mighty adventure.  If you’re drenched from head to toe in sweat as you pedal across a desert, that’s adventure.  If you’re pressing through a howling rainstorm, you’re soaked in adventure.   But that’s not what makes an adventure. It’s your willingness to struggle through it, to present yourself at the doorstep of Nature.  That creates the experience. No more greater joy can come from life than to live inside the “moment” of an adventure. It may be a momentary ‘high’, a stranger that changes your life, an animal that delights you or frightens you, a struggle where you triumphed, or even failed, yet you braved the challenge.   Those moments present you uncommon experiences that give your life eternal expectation.  That’s adventure!”
Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, Colorado, How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge,  http://www.HowToLiveALifeOfAdventure.com
If you like, you may like to enjoy my program this fall at your organization, club, school or church.  Live, love, laugh and pedal on, Frosty Wooldridge
How to Live a Positive, Meaningful and Fulfilling Life—by your choices and actions
Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge  www.HowToLiveALifeOfAdventure.com
Do you represent a high school, college, church, civic club or retirement organization? Are your colleagues and friends ready to step into a positive, meaningful and fulfilling life?  Do you want to unlock the best within everyone in your organization?  If they want to become adventure seekers, let’s propel them toward successful adventures at whatever level they choose. 
Discover your peak potential without making a ton of mistakes
I aim to make this personal. Let me open up possibilities for your organization.  I’ll show your members how to create spellbinding experiences while climbing to new heights of self-confidence and accomplishment.  Foremost, I want to make certain that members of your organization, school or club don’t make the “basketful of rotten apples” mistakes that I made in my quests for adventure.
For starters, have you inhaled the scent of mountain evergreens at 14,000 feet?  Have you raced the rapids on a raging river?  How would your organization like to feel the exhilaration of crossing the continental divide by bicycle, horse or backpack? Have your friends thought of standing on the equator? Would you like to walk the Great Wall of China?  Would you like to feel the raw energy from climbing to new heights through adventure?  How about the energy surge of triumph of some achieved goal as only a few have ever known with the satisfaction of knowing it's all you?
I present motivational programs for high schools, colleges, civic clubs and retirement organizations across the United States.  I bring high energy, humorous stories and an enthralling “around the world” slide show to your friends or organization. I focus on the five concepts and six practices within my book that will propel your organization’s members to their own local and world adventures.  Additionally, I honor all kinds of adventure: sculpting, painting, travel, parenting, sports, creative self-expression, acting, self-discovery and all avenues leading toward personal fulfillment.
Sharing a lifetime of global adventure
“Frosty’s experiences include traveling over 100,000 miles via bicycle across six continents. He has circled the globe three times. He backpacked, climbed, scuba dived, canoed, skied and cycled from the Arctic to Antarctica.  He traveled from the Amazon jungles to the Australian Outback.  He paddled the Mississippi River and rafted through the Grand Canyon.  He walked on the Great Wall of China and cycled Route 66. He witnessed 12 foot wing-spanned condors soaring off his bicycle handlebars at 16,000 feet in the Andes to having Emperor penguins scratching their heads in his hand in Antarctica. That’s just for starters.”  Allen Hamilton
Program appeals to teens, college, middle and retirement audiences
Golden, Colorado high school senior Josh Reynolds, 18, said, “This is the best 90 minutes of learning I have spent in the past four years of my high school career.  I feel like I have a better understanding on how to conduct my life.  Mr. Wooldridge really showed me to succeed…and I’m going to.”
Cincinnati, Ohio, cyclist, mountain climber and skier—Chef Joe Comer, 44, said, "Through experiential living, Frosty Wooldridge brings his wit and wisdom to life through his wonderful and energetic presentation on how to live a life of adventure.  As a world traveler with a lifetime of experience, through a wide variety of mechanized and pedal travel, Frosty brings the audience along—transporting them to Australia, Europe, Asia, South America, Antarctica and beyond.  With the heart of a vagabond and the lyrical content of Shakespeare, Frosty will inspire any group of any age and demographic to push their boundaries in a safe and thought-out manner.” 
New York radio talk show host Barry Farber, 75, said, “The only thing I might suggest, if a revolver were pressed against my head demanding some sort of response, would be to look at his record of eight times across America by bicycle and around-the-world. He shows folks how to smash down the iron curtain between their being spectators and participants.  He lets them know they can vault from overweight couch potato to “participant” today without transmogrifying their way of life.  They will be thankful they embraced Frosty's action-filled life into their personal present and future.  They may not become P. T. Barnum's hero dwarf or the first conqueror of Mt. Everest, but adventure NOW can lift their lives monumentally and send them soaring upward like a Frisbee caught in a tornado.”
What audiences can expect
Each attendee enjoys a five page handout, pencil and paper to record notes.  As a teacher, I expect every audience member to learn every dynamic concept and apply it to his or her own life. I will answer all your questions.  Each attendee enjoys a signed “Certificate of Adventure” from the author.
What you can expect from the program
·         You and your organization will learn five dynamic and easily employed concepts to move toward yours and their own chosen destinies. 
·         You and your members will be taught how to engage the six action steps that move your dreams to reality.
·         You and your members will learn how to discover your own life passions.
·         Everyone will learn how to fund their adventure paths.
·         Everyone will discover professional clubs to join for relationship building.
·         All members will be directed to websites where young, middle and retirees are in the process of living their adventures.
·         You and your members will leave with everything you need to move into your own adventures.
·         As my book says and I state during the program and each member of the audience will say as they walk out the door,   “I can do it.”
Take action
If you or your organization would like to enjoy this unique program, please contact me at frostyw@juno.com  or go to the website for further investigation by clicking: http://www.HowToLiveALifeOfAdventure.com 
Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
 DVD: You may purchase a DVD of the program after the program--$19.95.  Or, write Frosty Wooldridge at POB 207, Louisville, CO 80027 and send a check for $19.95 which includes postage.
Book: You may purchase a signed copy of his book after the seminar--$19.95
Copies from publisher: 1 888 280 7715 or www.amazon.com
Live, love, laugh and adventure,
Frosty Wooldridge