IPFS Larken Rose

More About: Events: America

Last Call: "Escaping the Myth" (Michigan)

A very generous, anonymous donor has just offered to pay for you to go to the "Escaping the Myth" event happening up in Troy, Michigan, on July 21st and 22nd. If you want to be at this first-of-its-kind event, and have some kind stranger paying for your ticket, then get a move on, because there are a limited number of free (free for you, that is) tickets left. To learn more about the event, or to get free tickets (while they last), click on the image below.

And bring along a statist friend or two. I can't think of anything that I've ever seen anyone do (including me) that I think gives a more comfortable, non-confrontational way for people to be introduced--and more than introduced--to the ideas of self-ownership, the non-aggression principle, and voluntaryism. That's what "Escaping the Myth" was specifically designed for. If you live anywhere near Detroit, and you miss this (especially since you can get in for free if you hurry), you'll kick yourself later. Or maybe someone else will kick you.

Larken Rose
