IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Russia

The NYT Reinvents Putin's Comments on America's Election

The NYT Reinvents Putin's Comments on America's Election

by Stephen Lendman

Instead of reporting precisely what he said, and certainly meant, about fabricated allegations of Russian US election hacking, The Times deliberately misrepresented his recent comments.

Interviewed in France by Le Figaro, he repeated what he said many times before. No Russian interference occurred, no evidence suggesting it.

"Who is making these allegations," he asked? "Based on what? If these are just allegations, then these hackers could be from anywhere else and not necessarily from Russia."

Putin knows no hacking occurred. Information was leaked from one or more DNC insiders, no foreign governments involved.

He stressed "(i)t makes no sense for (Russia) to do such things. What for?"

Speaking to heads of international news agencies on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, he said "no hackers can influence a foreign election campaign in a significant way." 

"No information leaked this way would resonate with the voters and affect the outcome. We don't do this at a state level, have no intention of doing it, and on the contrary, we are fighting against it."

He also stressed Moscow's involvement in creating multi-world polarity. Some countries (meaning US-led Western ones) want Russia contained to further their national interests.

"They do this through all kinds of actions that are outside the framework of international law, including economic restrictions," Putin explained.

"Now, they see that this is not working and has produced no results. This irritates them and rouses them into using other methods to pursue their aims and tempts them to up the stakes." 

"But we do not go along with these attempts, do not offer pretexts for action. They therefore need to invent pretexts out of nowhere."

Russia, China and Iran are the leading forces against Washington's hegemonic ambitions - why they're surrounded by US bases and targeted for regime change.

Addressing the issues of hackers, he said they "can be anywhere…in any country in the world…At the governmental level, we never engage in this. This is what is most important."

He explained attacks can occur from outside Russia made to look like they occurred from its territory. "Modern technology allows that. It is very easy." It's a CIA and NSA hacking method to blame Russia, China, Iran or other targeted countries for actions they didn't commit.

"(M)ost important is I am deeply convinced that no hackers can have a real impact on an election campaign in another country," Putin stressed. 

"You see, nothing, no information can be imprinted in voters' minds, in the minds of a nation, and influence the final outcome and the final result."

Those were his recent comments, clearly indicating no Russian direct or indirect involvement in US election hacking or against any other countries.

Instead of reporting what Putin said as I did above, The NYT headlined "Putin Hints at US Election Meddling by 'Patriotically Minded Russian," inferring possible state involvement he clearly explained didn't happen time and again.

The Times claimed he "(s)hift(ed) from his previous blanket denials…"

False! He did no such thing!

The Times: "(H)is comments…were a departure from the Kremlin's previous position: that Russia had played no role whatsoever in" US election hacking.

Fact: His comments repeated what he said many times before, no departure from his position or from any other Russian officials. The Times lied.

The Times: "The boundary between state and private action…is often blurry, particularly in matters relating to the projection of Russian influence abroad."

Again The Times inferred what didn't happen. If Russian election hacking occurred, incriminating evidence would have been revealed long ago. There's none, proving accusations are groundless.

Instead of truth-telling on this and numerous other vital issues, especially geopolitical ones, notably on Russia, The Times consistently publishes rubbish.

Everything it's reported on alleged Russian US election hacking is disinformation, deception and fake news. Believe none of it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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