IPFS Barry Hess

Theft is still theft, even by Government.

More About: Political Parties

Tea Party People Are WAAAY off-Track--Feeding the Beast that is Consuming Them.

Here is an article all tax payers, especially Democrats, should read. Please pass it on. Charlie (Ed. Note: "Charlie" is a die-hard "Republican")
Democrats Today: A Criminal Conspiracy, Not A Political Party
Congressman and GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul has just announced that "we are on the verge of having way too much dictatorship in Washington D.C. The time is way past for verging.
Our federal government has already become a dictatorship run by a criminal conspiracy calling itself a political party -- just as the totalitarian Islamist conspiracy calls itself a religion.
We owe no respect whatever to a fascist ideology posing as a religion - and we owe on respect whatever to a criminal gang posing as a political party.
The time is way past for ending the charade. If it is not ended now - if the Democrat Gang retains the White House in 2012 - then "game over" for America.
It is of mortal importance for our future that we deny legitimacy to the Democrats. They are not a legitimate political party advocating legitimate political goals. They are a criminal conspiracy, not a political organization, and they belong in jail, not Capital Hill or the White House.
The current leader of the Democrat Gang, Barack Hussein Obama, is a Chicago mobster from whom "the law" is only a devise to extort money and power.
The current Exhibit A is Weivergate, his policy of using wairves from ObamaCare to reward his cronies and punish his foes. It is little wonder that the Gang's leader in the House, Nancy Pelosi, is ObamaCare's Waiver Queen.
One of Pelosi's principal partners in crime is Barney Frank. No one is more responsible for the sub-prime mortgage crisis and 2008 meltdown of the entire economy than him - and now it turns out he used the government scams known as Fammie and Freddie to benefit his friends and himself. Investors Business Digest says this should be a slam-dunk case for resignation from Congress - it should also be one for prison.
Or take "Global Warming." warmism is not a genuine scientific theory - it is a criminal conspiracy run by the Democrats to extort trillions of dollars from the private economy by paying scientists billions in grant money stolen from taxpayers to come up with phony research and GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) computer models.
Obama and the Democrats feel no obligation to obey the Constitution. Indeed, the edicts they pass and our gangster president signs are out-laws, not legitimate laws at all. The only purpose of the "laws" the Democrats pass is to use them as a weapon to steal money from taxpayers and control lives.
Well, if the Democrats feel no-obligation to obey the Constitution, what obligation have we to obey their (and the U.S. Supreme Court's) unconstitutional laws.
Only when a sufficient number of Americans today look upon the Democrat "Party" as an illegitimate criminal conspiracy to steal their money and ruin their lives, decide any laws or regulations they pass are binding upon them and deny their authority to rule them will we begin go regain the freedom we once had and have now lost. This will not be easy and will take time.
The struggle may be dire. The Gang has made vast millions of voters dependent upon stolen money, turning them into parasites, moochers, and rent-seekers who will turn to violence once deprived of their subsidies and "entitlements".
We must be willing and prepared to repulse such violence. The fascist scam of stolen money buying moochers votes is not legitimate democracy.
Those elected via this scam have no legitimate authority over us. Once again, the fundamental issue is legitimacy. Deny the Democrat Gang legitimacy. Do this, and freedom will follow. Do not, and freedom shall not.
                   by Dr. Jack Wheeler
And my response.... Hi Charlie; It saddens me to see misinformation of any kind being fed to people who really don't understand the process or the system.
By saying the other team is bad, you continue to lend credence to the illusion that a political party can/will 'save' us.
Here, the insinuation is that if you don't like Democrats--you will automatically love Republicans. A reality check reveals that in Truth--the Republicans are the Democrats (the reverse is also true).
They separate themselves only by percentage and degrees because neither has a defined set of principles that are held to be inviolable by all members.
One says, "I'll steal a nickel", and the other says, "I'll steal a dime". Of course that wet blanket, libertarian (philosophical--not necessarily a member of the political party of the same name) takes all the fun out of it by clearly promoting NO stealing...at all.
Politicians live in the negotiations--that's why nothing ever gets settled. It's much the same as "The money's NOT in the victory--the money's in the WAR!"
Political (social clubs) are not the problem--the problem is a lack of consistency in the actual politicians you support.
For instance: I've met with Gabby Giffords, and she's a republican, signed up in the Democrat party to get elected in Tuscon (look at her record).
On the other hand, Jan Brewer is a democrat signed up as a Republican to get elected (look at her record).
You (Tea People) supported Brewer, or failed to support anyone who actually holds the same personal values as you (and I) do)--you did it, it's your fault that we're not already enjoying an economic recovery and a boom in private sector jobs creation.
And if there's one thing everyone should realize--there is no such thing as a jobless, recovery.
We're (the collective "we") not going to to get anywhere near 'back to our constitution' until people wise up to the ruse created by the Republican-Democrat Party, and reject them, or anyone who would run under their banner, out-of-hand.
I am confident that I am as 'right' about this as I was the Bakken (oil) field. Remember several yeas ago when I mentioned it and you denied its' existence...simply because the Olde Media (CNN/Fox/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS...even Drudge) hadn't covered it?
So, is your allegiance to the Party greater than your hope for "America"? As always, I remain at your service-- Barry

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Olde Reb
Entered on:

 If the tea party was a-political, they would challenge the scam at the Federal Reserve.  They will not.  The Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme destined for inherent national bankruptcy.

The FRBNY handled $8.4 trillion from T-auctions last year and hid the profit from Congress. Is that embezzlement? Ref.  http://www.scribd.com/doc/49040689 or  http://www.usa-the-republic.com/banks/Federal_Reserve_Ripoff.pdf   ,


Comment by Bob Podolsky
Entered on:

Nice article, Barry. Yet I'm not quite sure you've made the most important point: that the real problem isn't politics or politicians - but rather the nature of government itself.

A government (of any stripe) is a power-brokerage cartel - it's sole purposes being to maximize its members' power over others, and to maintain its members' collective monopoly on the industry of power-brokerage. As such, it cannot be overcome from within. For a brief explanation of how government protects itself from significant alteration, I invite your readers to read the article /BORG -  the Robot We Call Government

For a more comprehensive analysis of the nature of government, and an explanation of a potential alternative to government, I invite your readers to read the article Ethics, Law, & Government.

Comment by Bob Podolsky
Entered on:

Nice article, Barry. Yet I'm not quite sure you've made the most important point: that the real problem isn't politics or politicians - but rather the nature of government itself.

A government (of any stripe) is a power-brokerage cartel - it's sole purposes being to maximize its members' power over others, and to maintain its members' collective monopoly on the industry of power-brokerage. As such, it cannot be overcome from within. For a brief explanation of how government protects itself from significant alteration, I invite your readers to read the article /BORG -  the Robot We Call Government

For a more comprehensive analysis of the nature of government, and an explanation of a potential alternative to government, I invite your readers to the article .

Comment by Bob Podolsky
Entered on:

Nice article, Barry. Yet I'm not quite sure you've made the most important point: that the real problem isn't politics or politicians - but rather the nature of government itself.

A government (of any stripe) is a power-brokerage cartel - it's sole purposes being to maximize its members' power over others, and to maintain its members' collective monopoly on the industry of power-brokerage. As such, it cannot be overcome from within. For a brief explanation of how government protects itself from significant alteration, I invite your readers to read the article

located at http://titanians.org/b-o-r-g-%e2%80%93-the-robot-we-call-government/ .

For a more comprehensive analysis of the nature of government, and an explanation of a potential alternative to government,
