4409 (Shelton) wins on all 5 counts

4409 (Shelton) wins on all 5 counts
Ernest Hancock 
Website: www.ernesthancock.com
Date: 03-28-2009
Subject: Police State

This case was obviously a political vendetta and an effort to enforce the concept that you must produce your "Walking Papers" whenever asked by police.
I urge you to read the articles that will be posted this weekend for the information contained about what we are all up against and what FreedomsPhoenix and our associates have known first hand for a very long time.
The team of Shelton and Marc Victor has done us all a great service. But I strongly urge you to read the accounts of what happened soon to be posted.
Strange Days indeed.
Thanks to all of you that donated to Shelton's defense. Marc Victor greatly reduced his normal fee from the beginning and forgave the small balance due.
I will say this; in the end, we all were dumbfounded at what we just witnessed in the courtroom and were left with a feeling of sadness that I don't expect others outside of the freedom community would fully understand. It was like, 'just how bad can this stuff get?'.

Soooo, I just wanted to let all of you that are interested know that one of FreedomsPhoenix' reporters was totally victorious,... but after reading the happenings of yesterday and the conduct of the entire judicial and law enforcement system in Scottsdale, Arizona (and the rest of the semi-united States of America), you'll likely share my sense of...... doom?