Contents Pages by Subject

Politics: Republican Campaigns

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Hating White People - Walter Williams on the new racists. / Turkey, Muslim and Free - No longer a military dictatorship beholden to the US empire and its local satrap. Article by Eric Margolis. / Farewell to the Fifth - Cops get the power to extract

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Jon M. Huntsman Jr., the former governor of Utah, officially announced he was running for president on Tuesday, telling an audience of supporters and reporters gathered at a park facing the Statue of Liberty that he would be a better leader than Pres

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Injustice Incarnate - Ridgeway Foley on Bin Laden, Demjanjuk, and the US "rule of law." / Green Statists at the Grocery Store - Butler Shaffer straightens them out. / When the State Breaks a Man - And he burns himself to death on the courthouse steps

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Rawstory (video)

Fox News has a lot of contributors who seem pretty dead set on discrediting Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul. In the video below, conservative opinion host Bill O’Reilly insists that he’s a “simple man” and came away from the recent Republica

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We are tired of the mainstream media PRETENDING there is not a Republican alternative candidate for president. Do your conscience and your nation a favor and please investigate Ron Paul for President.

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The Day of Reckoning for the West - When TBTF meets TBTK, says Gary North. Don't get caught between them. / Bank Runs, Price and Wage Controls, Social Unrest, Attacks on Business - Joe Salerno talks to Lew Rockwell about the monetary future.

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If you are not vitally concerned about the possibility of radical Muslims infiltrating the U.S. government and establishing a Taliban-style theocracy, then you are not a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination.