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Entertainment: Movies

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The Daily Beast

So, "The Interview" is to be released after all. The news that the satirical movie--which revolves around a plot to murder Kim Jong-Un--will have a Christmas Day release as planned, will prompt renewed scrutiny of whether, as the US authorities

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

Rather than questioning Sony's wisdom in producing a film that jokes about something as serious as assassinating a nation's leader, Obama upbraided Sony's producers for the decision to pull the movie from theaters. "I wish they had spoken to

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In the latest exaggerated media frenzy over a news story, the North Korean hacking of Sony Pictures' computers has been called "cyberterrorism" against "who we are" as a country." First, "terrorism" is word that should probably be retired from public

Article Image Acuna

Since the massive Sony hack -- which has compromised numerous executive emails to leak online -- we've learned about a few rumored movie projects at Sony from a "Men in Black"/"Jump Street" crossover to another collaboration between "Zorro" and "Dj

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COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret ( is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following an intrepid filmmaker as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet ...