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An indefinite nationwide general strike brought cities across Sudan to a virtual standstill Sunday, nearly one week after security forces launched a counterrevolutionary bloodbath with an assault on a mass sit-in outside the defense ministry headquar

News Link • Global Reported By Naked Sheriff
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dhaka tribune

No anarchy will be tolerated and law enforcement agencies have been asked to take action if the workers do not return to work. The government's decision comes amid unrest in the readymade garment industry over the new wage structure The go

News Link • Global Reported By Naked Sheriff
Article Image by NonEntity

Exclusive to STR December 20, 2007 It seems to me there is confusion on this issue. Here are some of my thoughts on the issue.

Article Image by Mark Davis

Exclusive to STR "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society." ~ Edward L. Bernays

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Common Dreams

Some of Platte's fellow prisoners worried that, if she kept protesting, she would die in prison. But Platte said she won't stop working, even though that might mean a longer sentence next time. And she's not worried about dying behind bar

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"Even though I now knew that others were not interested in freedom, I never thought that they would encumber my freedom. Surely just because they did not want to live free, they would not try to coerce me to accept their chains of slavery. Mis
