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World News

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Writing at Quartz, Tim Fernholz notes that early space tourists "won't benefit from the tight regulation we've come to expect in everything from air transport to private automobiles." Although the Federal Aviation Administration enjoys approv

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Just as President Putin has stated that governments and media in the West have destroyed Russia's trust in the West, the governments and media in the West have destroyed the trust of their citizens, who have been transformed into serfs to whom gove

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March 29th, dubbed 'Brexit Day', will be the historic date in which British PM Theresa May officially triggers Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to begin the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union.

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Gladio: Crimes of US Empire, Israel: Criminalizing Free Speech, Ukraine: 2.5 Million Refugees in Russia

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About four months from now, Americans will go through the sickly, depressing ritual of celebrating the liberties they no longer enjoy. This includes, among an almost infinite number of things now malum prohibitum (that is, illegal, a violation of som

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During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump claimed to have opposed the Iraq war, wanted better relations with Russia, and even briefly put his hand on the hot stove of the Arab-Israeli conflict, calling himself "neutral" on Palestine.

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As the following WSJ editorial explains, a trade deficit is not ipso facto bad. It's only seen as bad because the word "deficit" has a negative connotation. If the word "benefit" were used in lieu of the word "deficit," there would be no negative