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Article Image, Michael Kelley

Beginning on August 8, 1914, Englishman Sir Ernest Shackleton led a crew of 27 men on the last major expedition of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration in an attempt to make the first land crossing of Antarctica.

Article Image, Simon Black

The concept of what we know today as “America” was alive and well in Venice during the Middle Ages; Venice was a place where, with guts, hard work, and a little bit of luck, you could become very wealthy and live the Venetian Dream.

Article Image, Paul Craig Roberts

I have always been intrigued by the Battle of Bull Run, the opening battle of the US Civil War, known to southerners as the War of Northern Aggression.

Article Image, By Major Van Harl

June 2012 is the 45th anniversary of the sudden and brutal attack on the US Naval ship, the USS Liberty. 34 US Sailors, Marines and civilians were killed when the Israel Defense Force repeatedly attacked for more than nine hours. The attack was not t

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The first doctor to reach President Abraham Lincoln after he was shot in a Washington theater rushed to the presidential box and found him paralyzed, comatose and leaning against his wife. Dr. Charles Leale ordered brandy and water to be brought imme

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At the same time the knowledge of astronomy was well advanced already as shown by both the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge. What needed to evolve was the number system and we see evidence of actually more than one attempt. In particular, the Mayan met

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In the first place, he taught the Greek language. His immortal works helped to standardize that language, or rather to lift it up to that level of excellence and dignity which can be reached only by means of literary masterpieces. His writings became

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"It is childish to assume that science began in Greece; the Greek ‘miracle’ was prepared by millennia of work in Egypt, Mesopotamia and possibly in other regions. Greek science was less an invention than a revival." -- George Sarton, professor,

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During the summer of 2001, two French archaeologists claimed to have located entrances to hidden chambers in the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Their discoveries were reported in an ABC Online News Service. The French researchers used computerized architect

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"There were also deposited in this pit a number of axes and skimmers made of stone. In the jaws of several of the skeletons were large stone pipes -- one of which Mr. O. Wardell took with him to Toronto a day or two after this Golgotha was unearth

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hough the Irish legend of leprechauns [Cobbling shoes forever] is probably just a load of blarney, there's scientific evidence suggesting that the fabled stories of giants living on the Emerald Isle aren't just tall tales.
