IPFS News Link • Military Industrial Complex
Let Slip the Pigs of War - by L. Neil Smith
• L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian EnterpriseEverywhere you go at the moment, the radio, TV, the Internet are full of establishment Republicans—the morons who enthusiastically helped the Democrats get us into this mess—attacking what they call Ron Paul's "isolationism", a slur first invented by the Franklin Roosevelt Administration (whose economic policies had only made the Depression worse, and which was desperate to get into a war that would cover up its failures) to insult Robert Taft and others who saw no reason for America to get involved in what became the Second World War.
A conflict that killed 60,000,000 individuals.
4 Comments in Response to Let Slip the Pigs of War - by L. Neil Smith
{Winslow, you find more realism in hollywood movies than in real life. The only history you know is from South Park.
The Japanese diplomatic code had been broken for 17 months before Pearl. The attack was fully known by DC months before. Pearl was a setup. Tonkin Bay was a lie. The WMD was only one of many lies to get us into Iraq. Afghanstan and OBL (a CIA asset that was used to fight Russian invasion in AF and then took up a freedom fight with Muslims and the CIA used him as a patsy, same as Lee Harvey Oswald).
You really need to find some history other than the bloob tube.}
It's your statements that are non-sequiturs. Let's say that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance. He didn't DO it, he must have just let it happen, maybe he got a ton of conflicting info. and expected a formal declaration of war first, and the Japs screwed up not him. He wasn't in cahoots with them. Who cares when the Nazis and other Fascists had to go, they really had to go? It was Ron Paul-type isolationists like Charles Lindbergh that were keeping the U.S. from doing what it needed, not declare war against the Japanese but the Nazis, and Pearl Harbor sure turned them around, because the Japanese murdered U.S. sailors in cold blood sans a declaration of war, and the Nazis and Italian Fascists then peremptorily declared war on the U.S., putting themselves into conflict with us on their own, probably all planned out in advance with the Japanese. How could FDR have known that they would do that? Guess what? We WON, and the world is a far better place.
Let's say that LBJ buldogged, bulhogged, and bullfrogged the U.S. into war with the Commie North Vietnamese. They still eagerly did their part, and actually won in the end after we had almost won then stupidly pulled out. We then left poor Cambodia to the Commies, and have a million deaths on our hands for listening to isolationists like Ron "What, Me Worry" Paul.
None of this has anything to do with 9/11, which you apparently believe was staged by the U.S., claiming that it did something unprecedented, killing thousands of its own citizens and crippling its own economy in an attempt to frame Muslims so they could attack Muslim nations and get richer. If so, why did they frame the wrong Muslims? Al-Qaida had nothing to do with Sodam Insane, in fact they were enemies, and his demise allowed them to move into Iraq ever since. We had already kicked the Taliban's ass and then abandoned Afghanistan to them. The long war in Iraq hurt not helped the U.S. economy, and other countries won the bids to get their oil. If you think that the U.S. killed its own citizens, where's the whistleblowers, especially as White House administrations have changed parties, hence they would be safe to blow the whistle? Why did Al-Qaida claim credit for 9/11?
It's you who don't know much more than a teaspoon of history. In fact, your theories on 9/11 were already aired in the X-Files spinoff "The Lone Gunmen" on Mar. 4, 2011, so who's confusing fact with fiction? Even that show doesn't hold water, since all these govt. agents are running around talking to each other about coverups in public places where they can be overheard, and the WTC was saved not destroyed.
Don't accuse me of not knowing history, I know it better than anybody, and offer free courses to all on my site, try it and see how little you really know that I have known for years, all my facts are backed by sources that I let you check.
Great article! Too bad nobody gives a damn. All of my adult life, I've heard how wonderful it is to "give your life for your country"...This, of course, was the mantra of those who had not given theirs. It isn't by chance that the majority of our nation's warriors are impressionable teenagers or younger adults, who have been brainwashed into believing that they somehow owe the fools who went before them a debt that can only be paid by sacrificing their lives on the field of battle. There is every reason to train and maintain an armed force for no other purpose than to defend our nation and our consensual way of life; however, there are numerous reason not to squander the lives of our children in service to a cadre of political hacks who use wars and the rumors of wars to consolidate and enhance their own chickenshit, self-annointed social status as "defenders of the realm". They are so full of shit that words can't adequately describe how bereft of intelligence and basic decency these low-lifes really are. (Don't be lulled into believeing for a minute that these half-assed feaks are members of only one "political" gang - they are ALL part of the same hypocracy; they are all treacherous losers and misfits; and, they will sacrifice all of our lives, in their vainglorious and perfidious pursuit of their own pathetic view of the world and their place in it! They are the enemy, more than any- one who ever showed up on a field-of-battle! They are the antithesis of honor and decency and, at best, the most dysfunctional of all subhimans.)
If Ron Paul was actually an isolationist, I'd say only one thing to him: Good on you, mate!
Winslow, you find more realism in hollywood movies than in real life. The only history you know is from South Park.
The Japanese diplomatic code had been broken for 17 months before Pearl. The attack was fully known by DC months before. Pearl was a setup. Tonkin Bay was a lie. The WMD was only one of many lies to get us into Iraq. Afghanstan and OBL (a CIA asset that was used to fight Russian invasion in AF and then took up a freedom fight with Muslims and the CIA used him as a patsy, same as Lee Harvey Oswald).
You really need to find some history other than the bloob tube.
Duh, horrible WWII that killed 50M+ people wasn't started by the U.S., but it did finish it, and kept more from being killed. I guess all them deaths didn't bother Ron Paul, and neither did all them concentration camps, just so the smoke dissipated before it left Europe. Of course Hitler started it, which was actually the way he lost, because if he had instead arrested all the Jewish scientists before they could flee to the U.S., and forced them at gunpoint to build the A-bomb, much as the Soviets did later in the Clint Eastwood movie "Firefox", while playing Ron Neville Chamberlain Paul off for a sucker and refraining from invading Poland to avoid war, he could waited until he was ready then blitzed every major world capital with them and took over the smoldering mess. The clueless U.S. that didn't go for "interventionism" would now be a German province, and we'd all be speaking German :)
This time it's not Hitler it's a far worse nightmare, the Muslim World of Allah and Muhammad, which sees the light of Jewish-American infidel nukes and wants to get and use them to conquer the world. Clueless Ron Paul loves Muslims, loves the Muslim World, wants only to be friends with it, and since he doesn't 'get' the concept of Jihad, he wants to MAKE SURE that we not only get Pearl Harbored again, but that this time it's with NUKES. In short, Ron Paul is the DEVIL.
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