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What if the GOP is Pulling the Wool Over the Eyes of Republican Voters?

• Szandor Blestman dot com
By Szandor Blestman
 Fox News has seen it fit to fire Judge Andrew Napolitano. His show "Freedom Watch" was, in my opinion, the only news program on Fox, perhaps on television, worth watching. He delivered the freedom message with great eloquence, consistency and integrity. He is certainly, again in my opinion, a much more watchable and likeable host than Bill O'Liely or Sean Scammity. He simply makes a lot of sense to me when he speaks.

When I looked into the ratings issue, I found conflicting reports. There were those who claim his numbers were falling and that's why he was fired, and others who say his ratings were good and were not an issue. Personally, I don't know what any of the numbers I saw meant, so it's hard for me to say. I do know that I saw a chart that put his numbers higher than the numbers for the other shows in his time slot. I have no idea what that means, but I would think it was good. In any case, the numbers could always be manipulated. Anything of importance can always be manipulated, and I believe we've been manipulated for a long, long time now, so much so that I think many people are blissfully unaware or willfully ignorant of the manipulation.

I think "Freedom Watch" was cancelled because Judge Napolitano speaks truth to power, and he does it in an ingenious way. He doesn't make accusations or spout off opinion, he simply asks the question "what if?" and expects you to think for yourself. Of course when he asks the question it becomes obvious to everyone that what he is saying is very likely the reality of the situation. The powers that be are not stupid. They are arrogant, but not stupid. They knew what he was doing. They seem to believe that you're stupid, but apparently they don't believe you're that stupid. They certainly don't want you to start thinking for yourself.

In honor of the judge, I thought I'd use the rhetorical question myself, as I have been known to do in the past. I don't believe Fox can fire me for doing so.

What if the GOP is pulling the wool over your eyes? What if the voting machines they use are easily hacked so the winner can be determined before the vote is taken? What if they have already decided who they want to run for president and it doesn't matter who you vote for? What if the candidates are all selected rather than elected? What if the choices presented to you are all globalists with the same collectivist agenda? What if all these primary elections are just for show?

What if Ron Paul has really been winning all the Republican primaries and caucuses? What if the establishment doesn't want us to know this? What if the powers that be would cheat and lie simply to hang onto power? What if most people don't care if this is happening or not? What if those that do care have no way to prove it? What if those who do care are trying to prove it but are prevented from doing so by the powers that be? What if some whistleblowers announced they'd seen something and were saying something? What if whistleblowers were largely ignored by most media outlets? What if whistleblower protection laws didn't really protect whistleblowers? What if whistleblowers actually put themselves in real danger when they talked? What if people of conscious who wished to act as watchdogs to government agencies were ineffective because they were uniformed?

What if our so called republic was no longer a functional representative democracy? What if most politicians at the federal level are bought off by special interests that don't have the best interests of humankind at heart? What if most people are against many policies implemented by various administrations through the decades? What if most people are against wars of aggression? What if most people are against nation building? What if most people are against empire building? What if most people are against the drug war? What if most people want to live in an era of peace?

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