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IPFS News Link • Books

A Strategy for Liberty

 In this chapter, he suggests how to get from here to there. He also deals with some of the common objections to the idea of liberty and to the approach taken by some. For these reasons, I found this chapter to be most valuable.

Education: Theory and Movement

We face the great strategic problem of all “radical” creeds throughout history: How can we get from here to there, from our current State-ridden and imperfect world to the great goal of liberty?

On one point there can scarcely be disagreement: a prime and necessary condition for libertarian victory (or, indeed, for victory for any social movement, from Buddhism to vegetarianism) is education: the persuasion and conversion of large numbers of people to the cause.

Sadly, this point is missed by many. Without education – “the persuasion and conversion of large numbers of people” – there is no hope ever to see a movement toward liberty take hold.