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IPFS News Link • Food

Extra-caffeinated soda and chemical sweeteners for breakfast?

 And bringing it to you is none other than PepsiCo, the company that habitually uses aspartame, MSG and GMOs across its product line. Apparently drinking an aspartame-laced, caffeine-spiked soda for lunch and dinner isn't enough: PepsiCo wants to own your breakfast, too.

This new "Kickstart" soda reportedly is made with 5% juice (meaning it's 95% corn syrup, phosphoric acid and other ingredients). But here's where the laughter really begins: According to the FDA, a beverage containing at least 5% juice isn't considered a "soda." It's actually JUICE!

Yep, this means Kickstart can be served to your children in public school, because it's "not soda" according to the agreement between the FDA and the soda industry.

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