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IPFS News Link • Geology

First Ever Rocks from the Earth's Mantle

• by Brian Wang

The plan: To dig into an already existing 4,640-foot hole drilled nearly 20 years ago to 6,750 feet. They collected rock from the Earth's mantle. The temperatures are crossed 204 degrees Celsius. Such expeditions are currently underway all across the world.

This is the first time humans have dug through the Earth's crust.

In the early 1960s, a group of scientists flagged off "Project Mohole". It aimed to drill a hole (Mexico) through the core to reach the boundary between the crust and mantle called Mohorovi?i? Discontinuity or Moho, in short. Oceanic crusts are thinner than their continental counterparts. So, the sea route was a natural choice. This expedition was crucial in demonstrating that drilling was technologically possible. But due to a lack of funding the project was dissolved.
