Dave Hodges
More About: North American UnionNAU (Pt 4): Whatever We Can Get Away With
For the most part, the people that I know are generally decent, kind and moral people. Most of us “common folk” operate our lives based on the notion of “doing the right thing.” Society’s legal codes, our mores and traditions mandate that we behave in a civilized fashion which fundamentally respects the rights of others. But for those people who hold an exclusive membership in the “Club” (i.e., the purveyors of the new globalism) they often play by a far different set of rules. If you and I were ever to work for the Club, either as a politician or a global corporate employee, we would likely be forced to forsake any sense of fair play and good old fashioned human decency. Our new world view and credo would soon become “Whatever we can get away with.” And all too often, the members of the Club use the power of government to see just how much they can get away with. The growing number of clashes between the common person and Club, as it relates to the implementation of the grand scheme connected to the North American Union, is a case of middle class human decency vs. the “might makes right crowd”. The plight of the
I often wonder about the character of the Union Pacific official who goes from farm to farm trying to intimidate the farmers into selling easements to their farm land, often at bargain basement prices, which will surely destroy their livelihood. I find myself speculating on whether this person is devoid of any sense of empathy, fair play and if they ever learned the meaning of the Golden Rule. Or, do these people simply justify their actions under the rationalization that ‘I am just following orders.” How well would the Union Pacific official like it if this was done to his property and his livelihood? And who will ever hold these people to account for their misdeeds? Will there ever be a Nuremburg-type trial for these enforcers of the coming global age of finance, business and government?
In the first three parts of this series, which exposed a small part of the ugly side of the North American Union, specific attention was given to the methods being used to obtain land and water acquisition rights in support of the CANAMEX and NASCO highway systems which will serve to benefit the corporate bottom line as it speeds the pace and efficiency of global commerce. A quick review of the facts, presented in the first three parts of this series, clearly demonstrated that both Yuma and Picacho Peak had two striking commonalities: (1) Both areas lie adjacent to the CANAMEX highway; and, (2) Both areas sit upon large reserves of water which will be needed to fuel the massive infrastructure which will accompany CANAMEX and NASCO. And, of course, large amounts of water will be needed to fund the massive infrastructure of the CANAMEX and the NASCO transportation corridors.
In both Yuma and Picacho Peak, the Union Pacific Railroad is being used to run point in obtaining the resources which will be needed by this massive highway project through the exercise of their State and Federally sponsored right of eminent domain. Yes, this is correct! As far back as the 19th century, private entities, such as the railroads, were granted public regulatory authority including the right of exercising eminent domain over private land owners.
Perhaps, if the
In addition to the set of “coincidences” which will oversee the destruction of personal property rights in Yuma and Picacho Peak, the same disregard for 5th and 14th amendments are also transpiring in Wittmann, Arizona and Pinon, Colorado. However, instead of using the eminent domain authority of the railroads, the eminent domain authority of nearby military bases is being used to abrogate the property rights of private citizens whose properties are unfortunate enough to lay adjacent to CANAMEX and be in the proximity of vast water reserves. Although the fundamental tactics may vary slightly, the fundamental objective of wrongfully obtaining access to water and land remain the same.
In parts five and six of this series, as we explore the land battles underway in Pinon and Wittmann, it will become apparent that any semblance of fair play, practicing human decency and following the Constitution are lost in the struggle for your property rights at the behest of the global corporations who desire your property rights at any cost.
Pleas to some of the politicians and most of your locally corporate-owned newspapers with cries of unfairness and unconstitutional behavior will surely fall upon deaf ears from those who belong to the Club. You see, fairness, human decency and lawful behaviors are merely tools used by members of the club to keep us “useless eaters” (i.e., Henry Kissinger’s term for the common man) in line. Conversely, the global elite are adept at making up their own set of unique rules as they go along.
Never before was the notion of “might makes right” as evident as when Arizona State Representative, John Nelson, told
Part five will expand on this notion.