All But One of the Presidential Candidates…
Dave Hodges Date: 01-08-2012 Subject: r3VOLution Continues From: RE Tea Party <info@re-teapartyonline.com> Dear Patriot: Are you kidding me Tea Party, Rick Santorum? All but one of the Presidential candidates, including Santorum, Gingrich, Romney and Obama, support global governance, more bail outs, socialized health care complete with death panels, continuing the Federal Reserve madness, the public theft of private pensions, attacking Iran which will result in WWIII and openly advocates for carbon taxes and skyrocketing utility rates. Hey Tea Party, how does this help the American middle class?
When is American going to realize that anyone that the mainstream media and its grassroots organizations (e.g., Media Matters, etc.) endorse is owned or controlled by the Wall Street Banksters and their goals are patently antithetical to traditional American notions of governance? This is why all but one of the current Presidential candidates seeks governmental control over the internet. All but one of the Presidential candidates flagrantly breaks laws that would send average Americans to jail (e.g., insider trading). All but one of the Presidential candidates supports the destruction of the Constitution. All but one of the Presidential candidates supports everything that is bad for America. All but one of the Presidential candidates, if elected, will hasten, America’s descent into the third world, while personally enriching themselves.
All but one of the Presidential candidates implicitly and explicitly support MIAC legislation which will brand you and I as domestic terrorists for daring to support the Second Amendment, demanding an adherence to Constitutional principles of governance and under MIAC you are considered a terrorist if you support the one current Presidential candidate who seeks to preserve our Constitutional Republic. For America, it is indeed now or never and the only Presidential candidate who can possibly restore our once great nation is Ron Paul. The Tea Party support of the globalist Santorum leads me to believe the rumors of some of the Tea Party being co-opted are true. To the Tea Partiers who sent me this communication, do you really think you will have a seat at the Wall Street New World Order table for global governance? Or, is it more likely that you are just useful idiots? AMERICA’S LAST HOPE: RON PAUL 2012