• https://www.activistpost.com, By Michael Clements
As agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) left Russell Fincher's house with 50 legally owned firearms and his freshly relinquished Federal Firearms License (FFL), they offered him a tip.
We hate to say we told you so, but it's official. The Justice Department announced a new rule to amend ATF regulations and expand the definition of a firearms dealer to include those who sell even a single firearm.
One of the themes I remember the late, great Rush Limbaugh returning to again and again was how the mainstream media tried to give SUVs a bad name by portraying them as gas-guzzling killers.
Fresh off his efforts to ban lead ammunition on public land, President Biden is again escalating his war on hunters, this time by withholding routine funds provided to our children's schools that are used for hunter education, gun safety classes, s
• https://www.lewrockwell.com By Murray N. Rothbard
If, as libertarians believe, every individual has the right to own his person and property, it then follows that he has the right to employ violence to defend himself against the violence of criminal aggressors.
Hallelujah! The legacy media has finally started covering ATF's unconstitutional war on the country's gun dealers, which the pro-gun media has been denouncing and warning the public about for more than two years.
RINO Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has called a special session of the Tennessee legislature to persuade them to pass a horribly egregious Red Flag gun confiscation law. Bill Lee is not a conservative; he is not a constitutionalist; he is a wolf in she
• https://www.activistpost.com By Gun Owners of Amer
Earlier this year, we reported on President Biden's announcement that he'd be directing the Department of Justice to "move the United States as close as possible to universal background checks without additional legislation."
Earlier this year, we reported on President Biden's announcement that he'd be directing the Department of Justice to "move the United States as close as possible to universal background checks without additional legislation."
Actor Matthew McConaughey said during an interview over the weekend that he thinks that gun control activists should use the term "gun responsibility" instead of "gun control" in order to win support from Second Amendment advocates.