I'm back from my Coast to Coast visit with r3VOLutionaries. Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, California, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Nevada are now focusing on Arizona and the Super Bowl,... what might we do to entertain them? :)
Just how far will 'government' at all levels in America go to maintain and enhance their power and control of the American people. 'If the American people are not In Control,... then they are Out of Control'.
The United States Military has been in the process for decades of being controled by NeoCons that have used religion to justify their plans for the future of the planet. Don't think so?...
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are the topics of discussion after my trip to 7 states and several events. Just back from the Ron Paul Philadelphia event over Veteran's Day Weekend and a visit to New Hampshire
What happens when you challenge Photo Radar?... Police Helicopers follow your children with spot lights shining through the windshield. This story is just starting to mature. (Oh,... it's a City of Mesa Thing :)
The Great BIG Ron Paul sign Project! This past weekend we made and placed a sign that was made of 19 sheets of 4x8 plywood on the Interstate between Las Vegas and Los Angeles,... and a whole lot more. We'll talk about how this came about and the
Barry Hess and Glen Jacobs (aka "Kane" from the WWE Professional Wrestling) co-host today's show for Ernest. Glen is also known as Citizen X in his libertarian writings.
A Colorado Sheriff sets up a roadblock to allow for a private company to take DNA samples.... 'voluntarily of course'. At 3am on a lone stretch of highway.
March Across America for Ron Paul -&- In studio, Jarrett Maupin II is ready to tell all in his effort to save the electoral process. From deep inside the Democratic Party machine, Jarrett will share with you today the corruption in Arizona politics.
Ernest tells us about his trip to South Carolina and Iowa and all of the behind the scenes stories about how politics and the Iowa Straw Poll really works.
The upcoming installment of Declare Your Independence is certain to capture your interest as well as stir your emotions. We will be discussing some of Arizona's hot button topics, namely, illegal immigration, the North American Union and our ...
July 8th Guest Hosted by Barry Hess shares the secrets behind political polling. July 15th Ernest Hancock details how a Gold Medallion is being created by the State of Arizona & RonPaulRevolution update
Straight from Iowa, Ernest Hancock gives the behind the scenes details of the Ron Paul Revolution's activities around the Paul-A-Poloosa event next door to the Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowan Christian Alliance Event w/o Dr. Paul
2008 - The Year That The People Saved America,... or at least pointed out that it needed saving. - Today: Opinion Polls, Media (formerly known as MainStream) & The Revolution Between Our Ears
Given an opportunity to ask every candidate for President a question, what would you want to know? This is a question that would be asked of all candidates. The audience will be encouraged to think carefully about this.
Marc J. Victor Criminal Defense Attorney joins Ernest in studio to discuss the Drug War, the Criminal Justice System and since Marc J. Victor was a Marine in Desert Storm,... the War in Iraq.
"Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock" April 22nd 2007 MP3 Archive - Michael Weinstein "With God on Our Side" 'War against an Evangelical Coup in Americ'as Military & Sherry Jackson on Sharpton and
The 1st Birthday Party for novaM Radio Network is tonight and Stephanie Miller and Bill Press spends some time with Ernest Hancock while these national talk show hosts enjoy themselves with the fans.
James Bovard "Attention Deficit Democracy" and Jim Lescynski "The Walton Street Tycoons" will talk about their perspectives on the growing "Ron Paul Revolution" in the race for POTUS in 2008.
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