Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Steven Anderson - Checkpoint Arrest

Sick of the Harassing Pastor

 I want you to know that I am writing this because I feel passionately about this pastor abusing tax payers money and security with his childish antics against the Border Patrol and other law enforcement officers.  These people has a job to do, and they are trying to do it.  He is constantly holding up progress through lines and harassing these people.  He could protest and not be a problem.  However, he has taken it to another level, and he should be found guilty.  It\'s disgusting to think that he claims to be a man of God.

15 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ty bedford
Entered on:

 they're job is not to beat and torture a helpless man who is by the way a preacher. A man that is begging for his life for these psychopaths to stop beating him and torturing him. But they don't because they are Federal workers, well im a federal employee in the federal law enforcement area, and I even say those bp agents were out of line. Yes I know this case is done and gone but it still upsets me, that men that are payed to protect the USA are here beating up Americans because they exercise there god given right. These stupid bp wannabes did it cause they think they have an " I can do whatever I want and get away with it badge". Doesn't work that way you jackasses.

Comment by Phillip Holbrook
Entered on:

Steve Anderson abusing taxpayers??? By asserting his constitutional rights as a citizen of the United States? I suppose if you are a supporter of a police state where the "authorities" are always right, even when they abuse their power and are corrupt, and do not honor the law they are sworn to uphold, it would make sense that you would make such an absurd comment.

I may disagree with this pastor's theology, but I do have enough inteligence to realize that the same Constitution that protects him also protects me from unreasonable search and seizure, as well as other basic human dignities! I feel sorry for you because you lack a sense of dignity, so I'm certain you will cooperate without question  when one day you are the target of police abuse!

Comment by Charles Gillespie
Entered on:

 your nandy-pandy, N. Korean wife of some bad phoenix cop-comment makes me glad my woman is alive with Truth and Christ-like intelligence. Stop drinking the media's kool-aide and wake up!!

If you KNEW the course we, as a nation are headed you'd THANK Mr. Anderson for spilling his blood in the name of our Constitution and RIGHTS as Americans!!

Glad to see Brock learned how to add / subtract, now if he could only learn some decent reasoning skills...

Comment by steve horrigan
Entered on:

author is obviously the wife or something of a cop. she has about the same grasp of the english language as most Leos. America hasn't turned their backs on Leos, Leos have turned their backs on America.

Comment by SamFox
Entered on:

"These people has a job to do..."  Typo? 

What job is being referenced? Please dear lady, tell us. Some how I do not think that parking 50 or 60 miles from the border will do much to keep drugs out of the USA.

You need to read about the Revolutionary War a bit more. From their pulpits many Pastors railed against  despotic British rule. Many of them fought and died for you and your liberties. You need to rethink your attack on this brave man.

Last I read, these check points are UN-Constitutional. What about the oath to up hold the Constitution? Is not that part of the job? Or did they take that part of the oath and trash it? Was upholding the Constitution even a part of the oath?? "We are just following orders" sounds eerily familiar. Oh yeah, the Nuremberg trials.

Do you not realize that to detain anyone, a LEO must have probable cause. What probable cause do these LEOs have for pulling over EVERY ONE?? Hoping to get lucky by pulling over EVERY ONE at a check point is NOT found in what is SUPPOSED TO BE the supreme law of the US, our Constitution. In real life LEO agencies only have authority to go after INDIVIDUALS, NOT GROUPS driving on high ways unless they have probable cause that a group is committing a crime. IF they FOLLOWED THE LAW, they would have to show probable cause for each INDIVIDUAL pulled over at the illegal check points. I find it rather difficult to believe that EVERY ONE driving on the highway is part of a criminal group.

Dear LEO who may be reading this: (DHS, FBI & CIA come to mind.:-) )

Do you not care that you are being used to bring about a fascist state? Do you not care that you are enforcing UN-Constitutional activities by manning check points? Do you not realize that your freedom is being lost as well as ours???? I hope you are not so brainwashed that you cannot see what is going on. If you think that trading your families freedom as well as yours and mine is a good idea...well, God please help these people.

"I was just following orders" is a weak excuse for trashing the Constitution and individual liberties. What the person said about checkpoints will be common place is spot on. You LEOs have a tough enough job without being turned into Benedict Arnolds who betray the supreme law of the USA, the Constitution.  

If you can cooperate with the destruction of the USA and not feel a twinge of conscience, then IMO the USA is more lost to the NWO than even I thought. If your pay check is more important than the Constitution...

Once our own citizens in law enforcement are turned on their fellow citizens...

God help the USA !!


Comment by Tom W.
Entered on:

If you're driving down the road and someone pulls you over at gun point, and trifles through your belongings and takes any cash that you might have (because carrying cash is now illegal), its best to be polite otherwise you might be accused of harassing them.

Comment by Freed Radical
Entered on:

You are a fascist troll. Why don't you go over to the Faux News website with the all the other fans of the police state? Eric New

Comment by Bob Ding
Entered on:


You would do very well in North Korea, They are always in need of the drone mentality.  I would gladly pay your way should you go.



Comment by Phyrexius
Entered on:

LoL! "Man of God" Great Men Have ALWAYS fought against Tyranny. Even Jesus lost his temper with the Tyrannical Bankers!  "Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God" WAKE UP! (I know she won't ever see this, just poppin off at the fact someone so ignorant would write such garbage!)

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 As you said "These people has a job to do, and they are trying to do it." Yes they may have a job to do but it is not beating up the citizens of the US! Why is that not clear to you! If you were assaulted like he was you would have a different frame of mind. 

Comment by Brock
Entered on:

I agree 100% with Ms. Rowe, except the assertion that Mr. Anderson's status as a pastor disgusting. So, actually, I agree 83% with Ms. Rowe.

Mr. Anderson should mind his own business - both businesses actually. Mr. Anderson should not approach these checkpoints, except as his business and personal travel require and as his god moves him to do so. Revealing personal information and allowing a record of his travel habits could be detrimental to the security of his businesses, so perhaps he's not taking it “to another level” so much as being prudent.

I would think anyone would hesitate to reveal personal information to complete strangers. I certainly don't answer random questions from passers-by and don't hesitate to terminate phone conversations with survey-takers, even though they have a job to do and are just trying to do it.

I guess, then, I actually agree 50% with Ms. Rowe, although I wonder about abuse of taxpayer dollars. Without some credible evidence, I would be reluctant to make the claim or even entertain the thought that Mr. Anderson has profited from his interactions and I don't think Ms. Rowe means to imply that. Rather, abuse of resources seems to center on the mission creep and financial irresponsibility of establishing border patrol checkpoints so far from the border.

And, it seems, if progress through lines is the goal, that goal could easily be met by removing the stop sign placed (not by Mr. Anderson, I should add) in the center of the highway. Certainly Ms. Rowe isn't suggesting that Mr. Anderson ignore the traffic control device, is she?

Hmmm. After parsing the issue, it boils down to this: I agree 17% with Ms. Rowe. Mr. Anderson can protest, and it's not a problem.

Comment by Barry Hess
Entered on:

What is disturbing is the idea by one of the commentators that for the sake of their convenience, we should all just suck up the abuse by 'govt. officials'.

 That's not how the freedom thing works.  The Pastor is standing up for all of our rights.  Good for him!

Comment by Judy Downs
Entered on:

Amen, sister!

Comment by TheRockster
Entered on:

Bah bah bahhh baaahhh bah bah Bleat!

Comment by Morpheus
Entered on:

Hi Tanya, the problem is not the Pastor Anderson Holding up traffic it is the border Patrol and their internal checkpoints THAT are not at the BORDER!  They are supposed to be patrolling the BORDER.  I-8 does not intersect the border so there is no reason for them to be there.  The Good Pastor Anderson is doing the right thing and ASSERTING HIS RIGHTS to unreasonable search and seizure.  When one mans Rights are usurped then rights of all people are usurped!