Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Justice and Judges

Letter to Ron Paul, Judicial Immunity is Spreading Rapidly Into Law Enforcement

As many of us know, this is not something new; it is just becoming more and more prevalent. Judges are granting through their decisions greater immunity to law enforcement and this surely seems to be an historic theme of tyranny and one that we should surely fear.

This is as much a letter to those who seek liberty in our lifetimes as to Ron. John and Jack Kennedy are dead, as is Martin Luther King and many other freedom fighters going back to Jesus and even Socrates “Who Fought the Law and the Law Won”. It is time to work on Judicial Corruption, instead of trying to change laws, or I fear an acceleration of death and destruction as our corrupt Judiciary continues to impose its will on society.  Judges can repeal laws much faster than by political means.  It’s called case law.    

Using political means to try to solve social problems has historically only placed people like Ron in harm’s way. I tried to get Peter Schiff to stay out of his Senatorial Race last year and continue to focus on helping do what he does best and that is to help people make money by telling them the truth about our corrupt financial and banking system.  

The America Socialist Party, as Milton and Rose Friedman pointed out in their book “Free to Choose”, was able to enact its 1928 and 1932 platforms into law without “one” of them ever being elected.

Although I ran as a Libertarian for the State House here in Florida in 1992, I think the Libertarian Party is a good example of why we should “not” be involved in the political process.  Liberty is antithetic to government and I keep telling people, we cannot beat them at the game they control. As you all know, they have a number of ways to beat us, including vote counting fraud, at every turn in the process.  Most often though, it is a Judge(s) decision that takes out our desired advancements.  Just ask “We The People Congress” and Robert Schulz. 

I fear, with historical evidence as our truth, If Ron or Rand Paul  and others fighting for liberty, especially against the curtailment of the military industrial complex and the Fed, get to powerful,  like our other fallen patriots, that they will become a statistic of tyranny as well.  If we do not “quickly” stop the spreading government immunity into law enforcement, large numbers of good Citizens are at risk.  We cannot wait around until the next election or even one more minute. Until we repair the justice system, all else, as recent history has uncovered, will sadly in my opinion, be in vain. Almost every atrocity on mankind has been at the hands of the Judiciary, either in affirmation or immunities from prosecution of government or religious corruption and persecution.

Does any of us really want civil war which is generally the next phase of the social bell curve cycle, only to have the oligarchs take over after making $billions on unnecessary wars?

As the libertarian movement continues, it does appeal that we are making some headway, as Ron and other spearhead political advancements with good voting results.  Only Ron can tell us if he is willing to risk his life and the potential results that he may garner if he is able to gain significant political power.   

However, we in full force, needs to stop the judicial corruption before total tyranny goes into effect and time is certainly of the essence.  I don’t think I’m being overly paranoid either. I know anybody that is really paying attention is feeling the heat rise. I ‘m feeling a pretty rapid deterioration in both the financial and sociological aspects of America culture and I don’t think we have enough time to institute the necessary changes doing what we have been doing and therefore we must change our tactics.

Even my project “Repairing the Scales of Justice” or We The People’s Constitutional Lobby should be back-burnered, as we need to quickly rally up the Citizens of the Country and formulate a means of stopping government immunity.  It is not, when government is afraid of the Citizens, when you have liberty?

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Comment by agondontor
Entered on:

I had a conversation with an attorney in the bay area .  When the conversation came to the bar association,  she stated "thats how they control us"!  I pointed out that there was a historical precedent.  At the end of the civil war it was the practice of members of the KKK that were members of the judiciary to bias the courts and deny the rights of blacks.  To combat this practice congress passed the civil rights act of 1866 which made it possible to file a petition for removal to a federal district court.  About a month after I pointed this out there was an article in the Oakland tribune "Bar association compared to KKK at annual Bar Association meeting.  This law is still on the books.  It might be a good strategy if you are being prosecuted for an alleged crime to file a motion with the court for removal of Bar Association members from further proceedings.  The motion would probably be denied but the issue would be available for a future appeal.