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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

03-19-15 -- Glenn Cripe - Adam Kokesh - Lauren Rumpler -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)

Glenn Cripe (Language of Liberty) along with Lukas Schweiger, Vlad Tiulchenko, and Jim Turney in the Ukraine to talk about freedom there - Adam Kokesh gives an update on his travels - Lauran Rumpler (Objectivist Girl) on objectivism
Media Type: Audio • Time: 167 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Adam Kokesh
Topics: Adam vs the Man

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 167 Minutes and 0 Secs

 Hour 1 -- Glenn Cripe (Language of Liberty) along with Lukas Schweiger, Vlad Tiulchenko, and Jim Turney in the Ukraine to talk about freedom there

 Hour 2 -- Adam Kokesh gives an update on his travels

 Hour 3 -- Lauran Rumpler (Objectivist Girl) on objectivism and general liberty issues.

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


March 19th, 2015

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2015-03-19 Hour 1 Glenn Cripe from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.


Glenn Cripe - Language of Liberty

In the Ukraine for their Liberty Camp

Glenn brings Lukas Schweiger, Chairman of European Students For Liberty;  Vlad Tiulchenko (his local business partner in the Ukraine and organizer of the camp, and Jim Turney, an American and long-time liberty activist, has lived for many years in Cyprus

Webpage: LanguageofLiberty.Org


Glenn Cripe – from Chicago, now living in Phoenix **

Jim Turney – from Virginia, now living in Cyprus

Vlad Tiulchenko – from Sviatogorsk (eastern Ukraine), camp organizer

Vladislav is the primary organizer of this Liberty Camp, motivated by his participation at three camps last year, where he improved his English and learned libertarian ideas. Recently, Vladislav became the Local Coordinator for European Students for Liberty, and became active in creating a libertarian society in Ukraine. Vladislav studies Mass Communications and PR. His main hobbies are collecting and investing in antiques, and sports such as swimming, yoga, martial arts and table tennis.

Lukas Schweiger – from Vienna, now working / studying in Iceland

Lukas obtained a graduate degree in political science from the University of Vienna and a graduate degree in business administration from the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the University of Iceland. Lukas became interested in the ideas of liberty at an early age by questioning the extensive role government plays in peoples lives. He has been a leading figure in organisations like the Austrian Liberal Students Forum (LSF) and the European Liberal Youth (LYMEC). He joined Students for Liberty (SFL) in 2012, and has been the Chairman of European Students for Liberty (ESFL), the first international venture of SFL, since April 2014. 

Joanna Krynska – Warsaw, Poland

Studied Social Psychology, professional experience: Public Relations (PR agencies, NGO/publising house, Politics/local elections, from April National Broadcasting Council)

Harut Voskanyan – from Armenia, now working / studying in Belarus (Minsk)

BA and MA in Political Science, MA in Human Rights and Democratization,
active civilian, researcher (resolution of ethnic conflicts, European studies, Caucasian studies, Russian studies).


** Since 2005, Glenn has brought LLI's Liberty Camps and Seminars to over 2000 students in 22 countries, expanding his network of freedom fighters around the world. When not hosting Liberty Camps, Glenn recruits and develops new local partners, teachers, and donors for the Institute. He also enjoys playing classical piano, attending jazz, opera, and folk events, and hiking in the Arizona mountains and desert. Before co-founding the Institute, Glenn pursued a career in IT development, consulting, and training. He takes special pleasure in having helped translate and publish the works of Ayn Rand into Russian in 1993 — the first time her works could be read in her native language. Originally from Chicago, now an Arizona resident, Glenn has lived in a dozen cities in the US and abroad. He studied languages, finance, and economics at Indiana University. He speaks Italian, French, and a bit of German.


Hour 2

Guests: Adam Kokesh
Topics: Adam vs the Man

Hour 2

2015-03-19 Hour 2 Adam Kokesh from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Adam Kokesh

Webpage: AdamvstheMan.Com

FREEDOM! audiobook


FREEDOM! cover

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REVIEWS – If you publish a review of the book in any format (blog post, podcast, video, etc.) please email a link to and we will repost it on Facebook and Twitter. Adam is also happy and available to do interviews to promote the book. Please email requests with links to your platform and specifics about timing to


The wisdom within these pages has the power to unlock our potential as a species and establish an enduring civilization based on peace, self-ownership, and nonviolence.

You, as a free, beautiful, independent human being with inalienable rights, own yourself! You can do what you want with your own body and the product of your labor. All human interactions should be free of force and coercion, and we are free to exercise our rights, limited only by respect for the rights of others. Governments rely on force, and force is a poor substitute for persuasion. When you learned "don't hit," "don't steal," and "don't kill," it wasn't, "unless you work for the government." Governments frighten us into thinking we need them, but we are moving past the statist paradigm and rendering them obsolete.

This book will empower YOU to be more happy, free, and prosperous, while putting you in a position to help shape our destiny.


To donate to Adam and his book project, please go to:

Hour 3

Guests: Lauren Rumpler

Hour 3

2015-03-19 Hour 3 Lauren Rumpler from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Lauren Rumpler

'Objectivist Girl'



From Lauren's Blog:

Don't Tell Me What To Do, Ayn Rand!

Posted by | Monday, 6 June 2014 | Blog Posts

It's interesting to hear the people surrounding me so adamantly protest, "Don't tell me what to do," to even the most minor suggestions of an order. Though their protest sounds comical, there is a clear note of honest concern in it. Yet, I find myself saying it as well. I participated in the child/parent relationship already and I'm ready to make my own decisions. I take feedback from my friends and even my parents sometimes, but ultimately there is far too much tyranny coming down from up high for my taste.

So because of all of this, you would think I wouldn't like Ayn Rand. Her philosophy lays down principles that provoke and guide my every action (when I'm following it correctly). So why would I want another authority figure in my life when I already have enough bureaucracy to deal with?

The answer seems obvious, but took me quite a bit of thinking to come to. Her philosophy isn't an order. It is a call to my own nature to become my very best. If you don't follow her philosophy, you only fail yourself. If you violate others rights, you will receive retaliatory force eventually and if you don't pursue your own happiness, you will never achieve it.

Why would I not want to work every day to bring myself closer to my goals? Why would I want to ignore reality and live in a dream world, denying myself any real happiness? All of that seems logically backward, and it is. Ayn Rand showed me that through her philosophy.

So don't think of it as an order, anarchist friends. She's just your friend giving you advice for how to live well based on the facts of reality and the nature of your being. If you want to achieve happiness in the most efficient way, I suggest the philosophy. But if you are a masochist that enjoys being unhappy and revels in the unhappiness of others, the philosophy is not for you anyway.

Think of her philosophy as a personal challenge, much like the 100 days of happy challenge. You can only take the challenge on willingly and it makes your life increasingly better as you participate. Objectivism is like this in many ways. As I discover more about the universe and learn more about myself and my nature, I am able to make better decisions. This makes my life increasingly more pleasant. Though it would be a lot easier to live on the whims of happiness and just do what felt good at the moment, all the hard work I am putting into my life is making it easier to have easy access to happiness in the future through my preparedness for what is, what might be, and who I am.

In Reason,

Objectivist Girl

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