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IPFS News Link • Healthcare Industry

Natural Cure for Chronic Pain Syndromes Silenced by the Medical Establishment

•, Dr. Michelle Kmiec
 Lately, it seems that every other person suffers some one type of pain syndrome or another. And if you are one of them, it’s not only physically painful, but emotionally difficult as well.

This combination is nothing shy of disastrous to your quality of life, and it’s easy to see how this can become quite the cycle. With, of course, no shortage of prescriptions drugs for all your symptoms, as well as drugs for the symptoms you haven’t experience yet!

Let’s first discover how a health “condition” gets labelled as a syndrome and/or a disease.

A syndrome is basically defined as a health condition with more than one symptom; however, not yet classified as a “disease.” In other words, a syndrome is based on more than one symptom that is not directly measured and/or tangible by medical science. This is known as subjective (or anecdotal) pain, because the pain is reported by the patient, but cannot be confirmed to “really” exist via medical science.