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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

Google’s New Fashion-Savvy Exec Can’t Fix Glass’ Biggest Flaw


As she takes the reins of the companys digital eyewear project, Ivy Ross isnt trained as an engineer and has little experience in tech. Google plucked her straight out of the fashion industry, where she worked for companies like Coach and Calvin Klein. No doubt, this is a last-ditch effort to deliver Google Glass from utter lameness. But itll take more than good marketing to save this Google "moonshot."

Yes, Google Glass makes you look like a jerk. Yes, some huge percentage of the population outside the tech industry wouldnt be caught dead in one of those goofy face computers, let alone pay $1,500 for it. Yes, that could put a cap on the potential for Googles Next Big Thing to have a big impact on the world.
