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IPFS News Link • Bitcoin

• Shire Liberty News
Bitcoin, the increasingly popular peer-to-peer, stateless cryptocurrency, has been embraced by New Hampshire political candidates. In May, the Federal Election Commission made Bitcoin a legal form of currency for campaign contributions. Since then, New Hampshire liberty candidates have wasted no time adopting its use in their fundraising. According to a recent article on SYS-CON, about a dozen New Hampshire state senate candidates have begun to use PayStand to accept online campaign contributions. PayStand is a next generation online payment solution which accepts Bitcoin as well as traditional forms of payment. Among the New Hampshire senate candidates accepting Bitcoin are Eileen Landies, Chair of the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, who is currently running for NH Senate District 20. "It's important for government leaders to listen to their constituency," states Andrew Hemingway, a New Hampshire Republican gubernatorial candidate.

Anarchapulco June 2024