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IPFS News Link • Space Travel and Exploration

'Space Travel' 3D Movie stresses chapter in space exploration


Presented by K2 Films, Inc. and giant-screen film, space travel tells the compelling story of what is planned for space exploration in the short and long-term exploration plans with stunning visual effects .dropoff window With input from leading experts in space, the film details the projects and current barriers to the space community must overcome to fulfill its mission to put a man on Mars. In addition, the film points out that although the shuttle program ended in 2011, the NASA space program is more alive than ever.

In fact, if not for the many missions that the space shuttle was committed and the many lessons learned that the space community of these missions, space exploration have not prospered as much as he did. Travel to space honors not only the shuttle program, but the 355 astronauts, so he flew 135 missions for the program.

"No longer science fiction, a manned mission to Mars is in the planning stages, and we are taking important steps to make it happen within a generation," said Bob Kresser, K2 Films CEO.

He said that the goal of the filmmakers was tying together the actual equipment used by space programs with considerable planning that goes into each mission, showing what the next steps of space exploration in the days, months and years come.

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