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Texas Federal Judge Accuses DOJ and DHS of Deceiving Court: Orders Full Disclosure of Documents


Judge Andrew Hanen has issued a scathing written rebuke directed at government lawyers and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for their misrepresentations made in the case filed against President Obama's executive amnesty plan. He has ordered the Government to produce related documents by April 21st. He also warned the government against destroying any of this evidence.

Hanen is the federal district judge in Brownsville, Texas, who denied the U.S. Government's request to remove the block of Obama's amnesty plan on Tuesday.

Texas and 25 other states (Plaintiff "States") filed a motion asking for early discovery asserting that federal lawyers and officials of the DHS  made misrepresentations to the Court. These misrepresentations related to Obama Administration executive actions extending from two to three years, the period of work permits and quasi-legal status granted to individuals under the President's 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA).

The subject of the motion was a pleading filed with the court on March 3rd entitled "Defendant's Advisory." In it, the United States Government wrote that it took certain actions prior to the Court's injunction:

Defendants file this Advisory to inform the Court of certain actions that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) took pursuant to the November 20, 2014 deferred action memorandum at issue in this case before the Court issued its preliminary injunction on February 16, 2015. Defendants do not believe that the preliminary injunction requires them to take any affirmative steps concerning those pre-injunction actions, but Defendants nevertheless wish to ensure that the Court is fully aware of those actions.

Out of an abundance of caution, however, Defendants wish to bring one issue to the Court's attention. Specifically, between November 24, 2014 and the issuance of the Court's Order, USCIS granted three-year periods of deferred action to approximately 100,000 individuals who had requested deferred action under the original 2012 DACA guidelines (and were otherwise determined to warrant such relief), including the issuance of three-year EADs for those 2012 DACA recipients who were eligible for renewal. These pre-injunction grants of three year periods of deferred action to those already eligible for 2012 DACA were consistent with the terms of the November Guidance.

Defendants nevertheless recognize that their identification of February 18, 2015, as the date by which USCIS planned to accept requests for deferred action under the new and expanded DACA eligibility guidelines, and their identification of March 4, 2015, as the earliest date by which USCIS would make final decisions on such expanded DACA requests, may have led to confusion about when USCIS had begun providing three-year terms of deferred action to individuals already eligible for deferred action under 2012 DACA.

The Court placed this language in the Advisory in his order and highlighted it (italicized above).

Judge Hanen wrote, in a fifteen page document attached below, "The only way to interpret this Advisory is that, despite the Government's multiple assurances that no action would be taken prior to February 18, 2015, in reality, between November 24, 2014, and February 16, 2015, the DHS granted approximately 100,000 applications pursuant to the revised DACA, the terms of which were established in the 2014 DHS Directive that is the subject of this suit."

The judge wrote "the Court is extremely troubled by the multiple representations made by the Government's counsel?both in writing and orally?that no action would be taken pursuant to the 2014 DHS Directive until February 18, 2015." He stated it was clear "that the States were seeking to enjoin 'the series of executive actions that were taken on November 20, 2014,' which would obviously include the revision to DACA increasing DACA's term from two to three years, effective November 24, 2015 (as expressly provided for in the 2014 DHS Directive)."

He found that "Whether by ignorance, omission, purposeful misdirection, or because they were misled by their clients, the attorneys for the Government misrepresented the facts."