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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Vaccines...

• By Prof. James F. Tracy

Combined with the corporate news media's dependence on drug advertising, this has put big pharma in a position where it is running roughshod over informed choice and dictating vaccine policies that have little-if-any basis in scientific research yet will greatly contribute to that industry's already gargantuan profits.

This is Robert F. Kennedy Jr's speech at the SB277 rally that took place in Sacramento, California at the State Capitol on April 8, 2015. Cameras and editing by Joshua Coleman. 

Kennedy offers an example of scientist and pediatrician Paul Offit, the developer of the rotavirus vaccine, whose personal stake in vaccine's development and adoption is emblematic of the monied practices tending to corrupt vaccine science in America today. "In 1999 he sat on the [CDC] committee that added the rotavirus vaccine to the schedule." Kennedy notes,