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IPFS News Link • Environment

?Highly invasive snail-eating flatworm found in US for first time


In addition to Florida, the creepy-crawly New Guinea flatworm has also been found in five other new locations: New Caledonia, the Wallis and Futuna Islands, Singapore, the Solomon Islands, and Puerto Rico, according to a study published in the journal PeerJ on Tuesday.

The flatworm is unlikely to be received with open arms, as its slithery slug-like appearance isn't exactly appealing.

But the worm's unsightliness isn't the only problem. The species, officially known as Platydemus manokwari, poses a major threat to the Earth's snail biodiversity – quite simply because it loves to eat them.

Using a mouth located in the middle of its belly, the creature wraps itself around snails and ingests them.

That hunger makes the flatworm "a danger to endemic snails wherever it has been introduced," according to the study.