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IPFS News Link • Self-Help: Rational Living

Advice on Being a Man from 8 Friendly Neighborhood Barbers


As these men settle in the barber's chair and get a trim, they share tidbits about their lives, their problems, and their observations on the world today. Since barbers spend so much time listening to and talking with other men, we figured they might have accumulated some pearls of wisdom on how men can live life well. So we asked 8 barbers from a wide range of ages, experience, and backgrounds to answer this question: "What's your best advice on being a man?" The responses we got range from the philosophical to practical style advice. Soak it up, and go have an enjoyable conversation and a relaxing shave with your local barber.

Drew Danburry just got into barbering a few years ago and shared his experience of transitioning from being a touring musician to opening up his own shop in our So You Want My Job series.

Even though on most days you'll find Drew cutting hair and giving hot shaves in downtown Provo, he's still cranking out the tunes on the side.
