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IPFS News Link • Wikileaks

Edward Snowden: WikiLeaks document dump on CIA hacking capability 'looks authentic'

• By Daniel Chaitin

WikiLeaks announced that its "Vault7" publication shines a light on the CIA's secret hacking program with targets around the world, using malware that can bypass encryption protection in a wide range of devices, including Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.

Since the document dump, WikiLeaks account has shared several pieces of information via its official Twitter account, including this one: "WikiLeaks #Vault7 confirms CIA can effectively bypass Signal + Telegram + WhatsApp + Confide encryption."

Snowden replied to this tweet with a "PSA," saying that it "incorrectly implies CIA hacked these apps / encryption."

Instead, Snowden says the Vault7 documents show that iOS and Android smartphones got hacked, which he said is a "much bigger problem."

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