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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

Super technology will transform the world of 2020 to 2050

•, brian wang

During those years, the telephone, car, electricity and radio went from 0 to 10% adoption to 40-70% adoption.

1930 to 1980 mainly saw the transformation of the home with appliances and the scaling up of energy usage. We had electricity in 1930 but the US was using ten times less than in 1980.

Then from 1980 to 2005 was the adoption of the computer, internet and cellphone.

2005 to 2020 we have the adoption of the smartphone and social media.

Electric, self driving and ridesharing

Electric cars – still less than one percent now but will be almost all new cars and trucks by 2030
Self driving and Ridesharing – Self driving and ridesharing will make transportation 2 to 4 times cheaper. This will have mass adoption as well.

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