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IPFS News Link • Sexuality: Sex and the Law

Wife Of Trump Ethics Lawyer Fined After She Was Busted Boffing Inmate In Car

•, by Tyler Durden

Teresa "Terri" Jo Burchfield, 53, pleaded no contest on Monday to charges of disorderly conduct after a concerned citizen called police to report "suspicious behavior" in September 2017. Upon arriving at the scene, deputies discovered Burchfield and 23-year-old inmate Garrett Portela in the car. Portela was allowed to work outside the jail under a trustee program. 

"Burchfield and the 23-year-old inmate were having sex in the car," reported the Fauquier Times shortly after her arrest, citing court records filed by police and prosecutors. 

Burchfield was initially charged with unauthorized delivery for giving Portela a bag of vitamins.

"The female subject was delivering unauthorized articles to the inmate," Maj. Jeremy Falls told News4.

Court documents reveal more details. Portela told investigators he had been meeting with Burchfield for a month. She would bring him cigarettes and they would have sex in her car, court documents say. -NBC Washington