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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

The Media Know There Was Vote Fraud So Why Do The Presstitutes Deny The Obvious?

• by Paul Craig Roberts

If the presstitutes are so confident that there is no evidence to back the legal challenges, why are the prostitutes working overtime to discredit the challenges in advance?  All presstitutes are in denial that there is any evidence of fraud.  Why not just wait for the challenges to fail? Why all the whistling in the dark?

The Boston Globe, for example, claims that no election officials doubt the validity of the vote and that Trump "has launched a series of long-shot legal challenges in several state aimed at casting doubt on election results, despite no evidence of voter fraud."

Even the financial news site, Bloomberg, has falsely declared that there is "no evidence of wrongdoing."  How can the media know until the charges are investigated?

If fraud is not a possibility, why has the Georgia Secretary of State ordered a hand recount of the presidential race?