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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden To Meet With Pope Days Before Pitching 15% Minimum Global Tax And Climate Plan...

•, by Tyler Durden

Before seeking the approval of world leaders on his plans for both, Biden may be looking to seek approval from one other major "world leader" about a global minimum tax of 15% and plans to reduce greenhouse gasses, according to Reuters.

Biden's meeting with the pope comes at a time when the church has "sought to admonish" Biden for his stance on abortion. Biden will be accompanied by his wife, the report says. 

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said: "They will discuss working together on efforts grounded in respect for fundamental human dignity, including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, tackling the climate crisis, and caring for the poor."

President Biden is also expected to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron while they are both in Rome, the report says.
