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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

Red Alert! Bill Gates Warns Bioterrorists Could Release Smallpox At Airports

•, by Kelen McBreen

Appearing in a Policy Exchange interview with the chair of the Health Select Committee Jeremy Hunt on Wednesday, Gates called for the creation of a new World Health Organization (WHO) body to be formed.

During the sit-down, Gates suggested tens of billions of dollars be spent on funding a WHO "Pandemic Task Force."

The billionaire globalist argued that because he "predicted" the world wouldn't be prepared for the current Covid-19 pandemic in a 2015 Ted Talk, humanity should heed his new warnings.

Gates praised Australia and New Zealand for their "competent management" throughout the Covid pandemic.

Those two countries have had some of the most draconian lockdown measures in the world.

When it comes to funding the next wave of pandemic preparedness, Gates called on the US and UK to be the primary bankrollers.

"It will take probably a billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call 'germ games,'" he told Hunt.

The "germ games" Gates describes involve hypothetical situations such as what to do "if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports?"

"There's naturally caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today," he explained.  

Gates called for more factories to produce "cheap vaccines, eradicating the flu, getting rid of the common cold, making vaccines just a little patch you put on your arm."