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Vatican Conservatives Reportedly Have "Secret Plan" to Remove Commie Pope Francis

• By Cullen Linebarger

A group of Vatican conservatives apparently want to remove his woke, anti-capitalist successor Pope Francis in hopes of replacing Francis with one of their own.

The Daily Telegraph reported Sunday that Francis's conservative adversaries in the Vatican have a "secret plan" to force him to resign. This scheme moved into motion "days" after Benedict XVI's death.

Vatican conservatives have long been critical of Francis's support for open borders, communion for remarried divorcees, and more moderate views on abortion and homosexuality. The Telegraph notes they will need time to both gather consensus and to "weaken" Francis.  

Here's the story from The Telegraph:

"Vatican conservatives are waging a "secret plan" to put Pope Francis under such stress that he resigns, it has been claimed."

"The campaign against the Argentinian pontiff began just days after the death of his predecessor, Benedict XVI."

"Despite previously stating he will resign if his health deteriorates, it was thought highly unlikely that Francis would decide to step down while Benedict was still alive to avoid there being three Popes living in the Vatican – a situation without precedent that would have embarrassed the Catholic Church."