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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

"See You In Court": Gun Owners of America Sues Tyrannical New Mexico Governor

•,by Gun Owners of America

While the anti-gun lobby and their allies in the corporate media have long championed the idea that gun violence constitutes a public health emergency, this is the first time after the COVID-19 pandemic that public health has been used as a guise to limit law-abiding citizens Second Amendment rights unconstitutionally.

While the public health order may stop law-abiding citizens from carrying firearms to defend themselves in Albuquerque, it certainly will not deter criminals, who often do not have permits to carry firearms, whether open or concealed in the first place.

In fact, concealed carry permit holders are some of the country's most "law-abiding" citizens. For example, those who hold concealed carry permits in Texas are 14 times less likely to commit a crime than an average person.