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IPFS News Link • Russia

LEFT TO ROT Putin's nemesis Navalny VANISHES from hellhole prison amid fears...

•, Ellie Doughty

Navalny was previously left in a coma after two attempts to poison him with the nerve agent Novichok, which many think was on Putin's orders

FEARS are growing for the welfare of one of Putin's top enemies after his name vanished from prison records six days after he disappeared.

Alexei Navalny, who suffered a serious health problem in jail just days ago, could have been moved to an even more brutal gulag prison.

His lawyers today said they were told the Kremlin enemy is "no longer listed" in the region where he was serving time.

And officials are apparently refusing to tell them where he has been transferred amid fears he has been shipped off to an even more brutal prison.

The vocal Kremlin critic, anti-corruption activist and opposition leader is a defiant critic of Vladimir Putin's regime and has been described as the man he "fears most" by the Washington Post.

He was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok in a 2020 attack allegedly ordered by the Kremlin and later jailed in trials slammed by Amnesty International.

His most recent sentence in 2022 replaced an earlier one, condemning him to serve around seven years in a more remote "strict regime penal colony".

Until last week he was believed to be in a hellish gulag about 155 miles north of Moscow.

But just days ago, he reportedly collapsed in his cell and hasn't been seen since.

Alexei Navalny's spokesperson Kira Yarmysh spoke about the worrying situation on her official X account.

She wrote: "He fell ill in his cell last week. He got dizzy and laid down on the floor.

"The colony staff came over immediately, lowered the cot, laid Alexey down and gave him an IV.

"We don't know what it was, but given the fact that he's not being fed, is being kept in a punishment cell with no ventilation and the time for walks has been reduced to a minimum, it looks like a hunger faint."